Chapter 2

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The calming song of nature made itself heard by conquering the sleeping land, the wind leading the leaves of the trees and herbs into a drunken dance, the animals of the night announcing themselves to the world and the running river making its way down to its bed. The moon served as their personal stage light on this night that masked itself as a peaceful night.

Rocking myself back and forth, I stared down at the lively town. Everyone seems to be enjoying their pathetic lives, dancing, singing, eating, laughing, and some were even kissing and hugging. None seems to be suspicious of the world around them. Seems like they have forgotten all their pain and suffering, their sickness and their longings.

They seemed to have forgotten it all.

All in one night.

They disgust me.

How can humans be so stupid and easy to manipulate at will. It seems like none of them possess the ability to actually think for themselves, as long as they're comfortable for short amount of times, they're good.

 The funniest part is even if they weren't comfortable and were living in their pitiful misery they would make it their norm, their lifestyle. Even if one of them wanted to rebel they would be looked down upon and discouraged. Culture they call it. Traditions they call it.

I genuinely pity them.

After everything the council has put them through, after all the bloodshed, they were offered a week. Just a week. A week of freedom and instead of retaliating and raising a revolt they are here laughing and smiling praising the same bastards that captured and enslaved them.


Disgusted by the sight I stood up from my feet and almost fell in the process when I felt the blood rushed down my legs. I gave my butt a couple of pats wanting to clean my self from the floor. Ignoring the blood that painted art on my dress from laying down with the duke's dead body.

I let out a sigh.

"The time has come for me to go back home." I stated, mostly to myself.

Should I go? Absolutely not, am I still going tho?


Is my death probably waiting for me?
I am 70% sure that yes I might meet my death when I go back.

But I want problems, I want to anger every one of these bastards that seat up there thinking they're safe. Thinking they rule everything, thinking they would never pay the price of their own actions.

Consequences? Seems like they've never heard if it.

No scratch that I'm 100% sure my life is hanging on a string.

No, I am going back to personally witness them get on the edges of their seats.

They thought they had it all, they thought they would reign for ever. But not as long as my lungs permit me to breathe and my heart don't stop the rehearsed rhythmic beating it has been doing since the minute I was conceived in my mother's wombs. I will live and breath to see them bleed to death to hear their scream of terror. I want to hear it like they heard mine. I want to rip apart their flesh like they ripped mine.

I want revenge and revenge I will get.

I smirked looking at my bloody dress.

"One down more to go." I whispered to no one in particular

The feeling of something crawling between my legs brought me back to reality. I quickly looked down, that darn snake.

I pulled it of off me and proceed to drag it behind me not after giving him a slight kiss.

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