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noun ~ a prediction

"Nova?" Aldren was nearby.

I opened my eyes, blinking back the bright light as it met my eyes. I was horizontal, my back against a soft surface. Above me was Aldren but I could see the panicked eyes of Charlie at my feet and Pollux crouched beside me.

"Nova?" Pollux called my name and I blinked back up at him.

"Where am I?" I mumbled.

"On the sofa," Aldren replied.

I looked around, noticing I was still in the library. I lifted my head slightly, to rest against the sofa more comfortably.

"You collapsed," Aldren stated before looking down at my torso.

I frowned, following his gaze to find the green book still clasped in my hand. I ran my thumbs along the uneven leather of the case, fiddling with the hessian string that held it together.

"You wouldn't let it go, even comatose." He mumbled. "You need to look after yourself."

"I had a vision when I touched it." I sighed. "I saw our grandmother and Angela. It was a gentle vision, nothing bad happened."

His eyes widened slightly but it was Charlie who spoke, his voice panicked.

"So you scared me and nearly got me in trouble for a gentle vision?" He shrieked. "I thought you had heart failure or something! You seized up."

I blushed, licking my lips as I started to sit. Pollux's hand came to support my back and I thanked him with a smile.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I was going to have a vision. " I mumbled.

Charlie sighed, shaking his head. "I know. I just freaked out. You scare me."

My heart swelled at his confession, his dishevelled hair confirming his stress.

"Want to talk about the vision?" Aldren asked.

I nodded and he came around from the back of the sofa to sit beside me. Pollux remained on the floor, Charlie stood at the foot of the sofa as I told them of the vision. They were silent, frowns on their faces as I stated as much as I could remember. It was a strange vision, nothing really happened in it apart from a gentle conversation.

"So...this book...you will be able to understand the code?" Charlie wondered.

I shrugged, running my fingers along the blank cover. "I guess. Why else would I have a vision? She said so herself, it is for her generations to discover."

"Well, you better get reading." He chuckled. "Are we telling Phoenix about this or..."

I laughed slightly, "I will tell him, scaredy-cat."

He rolled his eyes but his shoulders sagged in relief. "Ah good, so you can be in trouble and not me."

I swung my legs around the sofa and cupped the book in my hands. "I'm going to open it."

Aldren hummed. "I have read this book a few times and I only understand Latin. If you understand the code... Then we may be onto something."

I nodded, understanding the severity of this. If I understood the code, I would be able to know more about my gift, and potentially other things that my grandmother spoke of. I mean, I had her wolf's spirit, there has to be more to this book.

"We will leave you to it." Pollux smiled.

"Okay, thanks, guys." I nodded, watching as they left the room.

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