Chapter 01

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Archie had a perfect little life in Chicago.

He was living with his mother, who married a doctor with a lot of money and for the past five years, he's had a really cute little half sister. But now it was summer break, which meant two months that he would spend with his father back in his childhood town. In Riverdale, where he had lived happily for the first 12 years of his life.

Of course he had heard his parents fight sometimes but that wasn't that bad, right? All of his friends' parents fought from time to time, he wasn't anything special. Though then his mother had met Christoph, a cosmetic surgeon, and not even 3 months later, he had to pack his stuff to move away and live in Chicago.

Now he was on his way back to his father and could leave the Archiebald behind, he can be Archie Andrews again. In Riverdale, no one had any epectations that he had to fulfill. Nothing needed to be worried about. He could just be Archie, hanging around at Pops, playing music and getting the days around with eating chips or ice cream while laying on the couch and watching TV until his father finally came back from work.

"Fred's son is coming today, you remember that?" Hermione asked, pressing his hand as the boy just hummed tiredly, sipping on his coffee before dropping his head back on his arms and closing his eyes to sleep again.

Yesterday was way too long again.

"Jughead, did you hear what I just said?"

"Yeah..." He opened his eyes "Fred's son will come, got it" He rolled his eyes, taking another sip of coffee before dropping his head as tiredness overcame him once again. He didn't remember what he took yesterday. He didn't know when he came back. He didn't remember anything from yesterday anymore.

"Please come for dinner, okay?" The boy just hummed, already drifting off into sleep. At least until Veronica shook him awake, causing him to almost fall off of the chair but he was thankfully able to hold himself up.

"We're going to be late for school, if you don't get up now"

"Oh guess what? I wasn't planning on going"

"Seriously? It's the last week. There isn't much we do anyways. Get up. Brush your teeth and meet me down here again" Veronica instructed, to which Jughead rolled his eyes, though reluctantly got up and went to the bathroom.

10 minutes later, the doorbell rang and Veronica got up to greet none other but her girlfriend. With a sigh, Jughead followed her, managing to walk over to the door without falling over himself.

"You look dead, Jughead"

"No shit, Watson" He groaned, driving a hand over his face. After that, he grabbed the car keys to give them Veronica "Let's just go, Veronica drives"

"Why can't I never drive?" Betty asked. Her blonde hair, which was usually tied into a ponytail was open now, the curls reaching her shoulders. She had her normal school fit on: blue jeans, a pink blouse and her cardigan on top. It all made her look clean and classic. Jughead on the other hand, with his ripped black jeans, a shirt he's been wearing for three days, a washed jeans jacket and a flannel around his waist, felt not so clean. He didn't care though.

"Because it's my car"

"And he has no choice, all hail mom for making me drive when he's not capable"

"I'm very well capable of driving. I just don't necessarily want to"

"Of course, brother. Say whatever you want" Veronica just smiled, grabbing the keys tighter and then intertwining her hand with Betty's to walk out together. Jughead just followed behind them in the car.

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