23 | how to make the dream team 101

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║how to make the dream team 101━━━ (CHAPTER TWENTY THREE)

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║how to make the dream team 101

THERE WAS NO TEAM IN ANEMONE CORALIS and neither was there a team in Gauche Adlai. Both of them made that very clear with Asta but the boy was determined to make the dream team work. That was until he learned three fundamental things when it came to making the dream team:

1) Put filters in the mouths of the sarcastic and the damned. Gauche looked like a sleep-deprived clown who was rejected on kids birthday parties on multiple occasions because he would not stop obsessing over his sister. Anemone was often mistaken for a regal, elegant matriarch with professional control over her jaw-dropping magic when really, reality portrays her the opposite of what people make her out to be as the first impression. Both have in common the silver tongues the gods sculpted for them during their birth. No, it was not a good thing. It was the gods' mistake because now whenever one speaks, the other retaliates with scalding retorts. Lesson learnt — don't ever pair two lone wolves into a single lunar pack. Asta's pleasantly surprised they haven't mauled each other's throats. Yet.

2) Communication is key. He should've made sure the two had a proper introduction toward each other rather than Anemone recognising him as the sis-con Asta talks about and Gauche assuming she's one of those stuck-up nobles. It also didn't help the fact that Gauche attempted to murder him on sight all because he ended up befriending Marie. Clearly, Anemone was not happy about that at all. He could never see his childhood friend come to trust someone like that, especially since she tended to be overprotective of Asta. Additionally, they were both stubborn. Stubborn teammates meant refusal to understand each other and refusal to understand each other meant little communication.

3) Teach them to be respectful to each other and make Anemone apologise to Gauche for giving him a groin attack.

3) Teach them to be respectful to each other and make Anemone apologise to Gauche for giving him a groin attack

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Anemone interfered a little too late. As soon as she arrived at the cave and entered, she knocked back the criminals into the walls. Some of the children had already been deprived of their magic power. Otherwise, they seemed untouched. Except for Marie, who had a reddish hand mark on her cheek as an indication that she was slapped. Gauche would not be happy.

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