Totally.. By Accident..

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     Me and Jinx had been talking for a couple days, and she mentioned something about wanting to get something for Silco. I had asked her to tell me what it was, but she said it was a secret. She also told me I may never find out, because it could be a secret between her and Silco. I let out a sigh, and she just looked at me.

     "Listen, I'm sorry Fizzle.. It's just.. You might not like what I'm doing, really.." She said, staring at me.

     "C'mon, Jinx. How bad could it possibly be..? It's not like I screamed at you for killing that person on the airship.." I said under my breath. I didn't want her to hear me, one because I didn't want to remind her of Vi, and two, because I didn't feel like arguing.

     "It can be pretty bad.. and I just don't wanna make Silco upset by telling you. I can't see you get hurt again." She says, and I just scoff at her answer.

     "Oh? When has hurting people ever been a problem to you..? You blow up people and buildings, then also see other people get hurt. Why is this now becoming such a problem to you.." I said, getting up.

     "What do you mean..? I don't blow people up.. It was an accident. I swear. It was an accident. Please!" She said, grabbing her head. I just realized what I had done. I triggered one of her attacks. I drop my tools, and run over to her. I cup her face in my hands and she slaps them away. I don't blame her. I'm the reason she's having an episode right now. I hear rushing footsteps and see Silco enter the room.

     "What have you done..?!" He says, grabbing Jinx and pulling her into a hug. "I think it's best you leave for a little bit, Ven." 

     I look at him with a pissed look, but I don't bother to argue. I was the reason she was panicking, so I don't even blame Silco for being mad at me. I got my robe with a hood on it, then head out. I walked out of the facility and put my hood up. I tried to distract myself from the thing I had just done, but nothing was working. Then I thought.. The Last Drop. I hadn't been there since this whole incident. Or.. anywhere, really. I was locked up by Silco.

     I walk into the Last Drop, only to see Sevika sitting there. I turn my back to walk out, but I'm stopped by Sevika calling my name.

     "It won't hurt you to play one game.. Right, Ven..?" She said, holding up coins and a cigar. I sigh, then decide to just sit down. Sevika could distract me from Jinx so I didn't mind honestly. I take a seat, and keep my hood on. "Why are you out? I thought Silco didn't want you to leave?" She says, laying cards down.

     "I guess it changed. He told me to leave." She raised a brow at me, expecting me to explain. The bartender brings me a drink, and I swallow it quickly. Anything to distract me. "I sent Jinx into a spiral. It was an accident, though." She laughed at me.

     "I don't blame you.. Jinx can be a handful sometimes." She said, and I sent her a glare. She finished up setting the cards down, then handed me some. Before I could look at them though, I felt a hand rubbing my side. I immediately grab the hand and look over. It was some creep of a dude. What in the world.

     "Hey, pretty lady. If I win.. why don't you pay me some other way..?" He says to me, and I visibly cringe. Before he could speak, I saw a glass get thrown at his head. Oh?

     "Harold. Enough." Sevika said. That was the good thing about being by Sevika. No matter if she liked you or not, she would protect you. Only if you were working for Silco, though.. and in my case I'm lucky because I am. I see the man scoot away, rubbing his oily bald head. I internally gag.

     I lay cards down, one after the other. The others do the same, but you could tell I had less cards in my hands than the two others.

     "Ace." I say, showing my hands. I had no cards left. That was the point of the game, to get rid of your cards. I was good at it because me and Ekko used to play all the time. It was how we settled who was getting a part we both wanted.

     I saw Sevika show a face of defeat, same with the other guy. She throws a bag and cigar at my face. I catch both and walk out. I start walking, but someone grabs my arm and pulls me into an alleyway. I can't really see who they are though, it was really dark. Plus the dust in the air already. The person who had pulled me into the alleyway took their hood off. I recognized that hair.

     "Vi..?" I say. She looks at me with fear in her eyes.

     "How do you know my name.. Who are you. Why were you sitting with Sevika. Where's Silco." She grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the wall. I quickly pull my hood off, hoping she would recognize me. I see her eyes widen, and her grip loosens. I breathe heavily, and she does the same. "Ven? What the hell were you doing with Sevika?!" She yells at me, pushing me against the wall again.

     "Well, if you keep pushing me against this damn wall I'm not telling you." I say, rubbing my head. She lets go of me, and I slap her across the face. "Please, don't grab me ever again.. anyway, I was with her because I know her. Acquaintances, you could say."

     "With Sevika?! She betrayed Vander, Ven. How could you..?" She said, staring at me with anger. I roll my eyes.

     "Who else was I supposed to stick with, Vi. I didn't have anyone else. I was locked up by Silco for the past 5 years, Violet." I say, looking at her and my voice obviously sounding more frustrated.

     "That's no excuse to be friendly with her." She said, still having anger in her eyes.

     "Oh.. you mean like you with that enforcer over there..? Don't talk to me like that unless you count your mistakes too, Vi." I say, grabbing my gun out of its holster underneath my robe, and point it at Vi. "I'll pull this trigger right now, Violet.."

     "What the hell happened to you.. You used to be so happy." She says, staring at me. I hear the enforcer start to talk.

     "Put the gun down, or I shoot." She says. I just scoff.

     "You shoot... I shoot, princess." I say, not breaking eye contact with Vi. It was obvious she was scared but trying not to show it. "So.. what'll it be?" I see the enforcer put the gun down, and I do too. "Aww.. looks like the enforcers gotten a soft spot for you, Vi." I say, walking away and putting my gun back. Why did I do that..? I pulled my gun out on someone.. What is wrong with me?


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