Bagel (Owl house x Gravity falls)

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//This story is written in first person and in past tense//


It had been a few months since I had gone back to the human realm. So what? It wasn't like I was going to see him again. Forget him. I told myself. I stopped to wonder if I should invite Luz- or king. I figured at least king would be interested and since he hadn't  been out for a while, and I figured it would do him some good. "King, Luz, you two want to come with me? I'm going out into the human realm to get one of those things you call a- a- what is it? Oh, yes, a bagel. One of those. You want to come?" I asked from the door. King came rushing out. "Me! Me me me! I shall concore earth! You will all be my slaves and servants and I shall rule... " he trailed off and was now staring wide-eyed at the portal door as if he had never seen it before. Silly thing. When I asked what he was doing, he stated that he was simply remembering the magic door-way because it had been too long and I hadn't taken him to do anything fun in "Foorrrreverrr". "Didn't I just take you shopping last weak?"

"Yea which was foorrrrreverr ago!" I couldn't help but laugh. I scooped the tiny demon into my arms and tossed him into my bag. "Remember not to been seen." I warned, darning my signature disguise. As we stepped through the portal I expected we'd end up in the same old dusty house that we always did, but instead we ended up outside some old store. "Mystery hack" King read as we stepped closer towards it. I noticed a few people coming in and out, handing money to a man I couldn't quite see. I guess the place wasn't as dead as I had first thought. "I think it's ment to say 'shack' king." I said, laughing at the way he frowned, his eyes glaring at me. "Its odd that we ended up here, " I mudered. "Instead of... " i stoped mid-thought. The fez cap, the large nose, the ears... Was that.. Stanley?! 

I supposed i might as well say hi. For old times sake. So I started walking towards the door. 


 "Yes yes thanks, uh hu, thank you, good day. Bye come back soon and give me more money!" Today had been oddly busy for me. Suddenly I noticed a strange figure, inching her way towards the shack. Wait, was it- it couldn't be- maybe? I shoved the donations bin towards Soos and headed inside. A peered out the window. Yes, it was Marilyn. Whatever her last name was, I had no idea, but I had even less of an idea on how she knew where I lived. Was the Mystery Shack really that well-known? I laughed. "You know her?" My brother said, after he caught me staring. "Yea." I suppressed a chuckle. I wasn't particularly happy, but I would be nice to see her. So long as she didn't steal my car again.


I had just spotted Stan when I was blocked by a young girl, wearing a bright pink sweater, which hurt my eyes. I never liked pink. "By a hat! Or a snowglobe! Or a tuft of Minotur fur! Or a..." I could see Stanley watching as I struggled against the crowds, but finally I got away and started walking to the less-crowded side of the store. I was at that moment I realised I had nothing to say. But that feeling lasted only a brief moment as walked up to him. "Hey! Wasn't expecting to see you here." I joked. "Come to to return my car?" He laughed . "But seriously, how'd you find me? Am I really that famous?" At that moment King jumped out of the backpack I'd been carrying him in. "Can we go now?" He asked impatiently. "King!" I hissed sharply, trying to stuff him back into my bag. But before I could the little pink-sweatered girl bounded up, and looked wide eyed at King.


 "Lets continue this outside." I walked out to the back porch, not caring of anyone else followed me. They did, and Mable was now holding The black creature. Or rather, she was trying to told it as the creature did it's best to resist. But in the end it gave in. Marilyn hurried after her. "She scooped him up quickly, much to Mable 's annoyance. "Hey! You'll hurt him! " "yea! You'll hurt me! Now put me back at once so I can continue being petted by my new servant." He said. I wasn't the least bit surprised at this after all  we'd been through. This little creature was the least of my concern. "We really must be off! Good bye!" Marilyn hurried off. "Wait!" I said, although I barely tried, and she barely herd. Or so I thought. She turned around briefly.

"Do you know where I can get a bagel?"

//I hope you enjoyed this fun little short story. Suggest more ideas on the comments below!//

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