Korrasami Christmas Part 1

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Modern Au

Korra raced over the wet, muddy sidewalk as she shoved people aside hurriedly. She needed to get to the jewelry store before it was too late; she was nearly there. She ran past a man with a large stack of gifts and a woman selling hot chocolate. And just before she reached the shop door, she slipped on a small patch of ice. She fell hard onto the dirty sidewalk and splattered herself with mud and snow. She cursed as she felt the searing pain in her tailbone and shivered as she felt the sting go up to her spine into her back

"Ow!" She exclaimed as passers-by looked away as if they didn't notice her. She scoffed, "Whatever happened to goodwill?" She asked while more people passed her. "Or chivalry or something," Korra pleaded.

"I hear it's dead," a woman said as she walked over to Korra and offered her a hand, "but then again, I'm here." Korra looked up to find a pretty woman with a pale face and ruby lips. Her eyes shined like emeralds, and her eyeshadow perfectly complemented her eyes and lips. Her curly night-black hair fell loose as she leaned down to help Korra.

Korra took the Woman's hand and got up. "Thank you," Korra said, looking at the Woman flusteredly. "Sato, Asami Sato," the Woman said, "Korra," Korra replied. Korra was about to say something else when it suddenly hit her. "Did you say, Sato?" Korra exclaimed, dumbfounded and Asami laughed. "I was wondering how long it would take," Asami joked at Korra's slow reaction, "most people usually say that ten seconds sooner." Korra laughed a little embarrassedly and shrugged.

"Thank you so much for helping me," Korra thanked Asami again. "No trouble, but may I ask why you were in such a hurry?" Korra's eyes widened, "The jewelry shop," Korra exclaimed, to Asami's surprise, "I was trying to get a gift!" Korra ran up to the door, but it only held a sign saying, "Sorry, we're closed" Korra sighed.

"This is a disaster, it's not going to open again till after Christmas, and I won't be able to get what I wanted for my mom." Asami looked at Korra empathetically, "What is it?" Asami asked. "It was a silver necklace with a sapphire heart locket," Korra said, upset, "and my mom is flying all the way in from the south to visit. I wanted it to be special."

Korra looked upset and then realized who she was talking to, "Oh, I'm so sorry; I'm sure you don't have time to listen to me about this stuff!" Asami laughed, "Please, I never have time, just usually I spend my nonexistent time listening to boring people talk about much more boring things."

"This is important, and you aren't a boring person," Asami said, "or at least from what I've seen so far." Korra smiled at her, "so far?" Asami smiled back, "Well, I have to help you find that necklace now." Korra's eyes widened again, "Oh no, don't worry about that," Korra tried, but Asami shook her head.

"Seriously, I will help you, and you'll like it!" Korra was about to argue again but instead nodded gratefully for the help. "So, how are we going to find another like it?" Korra asked timidly. "The only way I know how," Asami said with a playful wink, and Korra blushed a bit.

Asami grabbed out her phone and clicked a few buttons, then began a phone call. Within the next 5 minutes, a black limousine drove up next to them, and a man got out. The man looked to be in his mid-50s and had dark eyes, grey hair, and formal clothing.

"Ms. Sato," he said as he opened the door to the back seat for her. She got in and gestured for Korra to do the same. Korra hesitated but got in, the man shutting the door beside her. He then got into the driver's seat again and began driving.

"Where to miss?" the man asked. Asami leaned forward and whispered something in the man's ear, and he nodded after she leaned back. "Of course, miss," he said and began driving to his instruction.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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