pain in father's heart

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*in farm owner's office*

"Jimin will ne reaching his maturity next week Monday & there are like 200 to 300 buyers who are ready to buy him just by looking at his pic but the real question is should we sell him??" Riz(farm owner's name) asked to his secretary Lora.

"But why sir? Yk that it is dangerous to keep him here" Lora wanted to sell jimin cause she has a crush on riz but whenever jimin is near riz he dosen't even looks back at Lora.

But riz loves jimin like his own child and selling him away is really painful but also keeping a male cow can be very dangerous for the farm.

"Set date on 14th October we will sell him" riz said with a pain of father's heart

"Okay" Lora said excitedly

(A/n: I hate bitches like this)


Lovies I purple you 💜

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