Chapter 9: Oren's Newfound Power!

Start from the beginning

Frieza stood there for a moment, expecting something to happen, only to be met with silence. Captain Ginyu turned towards Frieza.

"Uh, sir? Are you immortal now?" Ginyu asked.

Frieza stood still, unsure of what happened.

"I-I don't know. Ah, yes, of course! There must be some sort of incantation to activate the Dragon Balls!" Frieza exclaimed.

"It must be a secret phrase the Namekian's know! Tch! It appears that I'll have to hunt down more of these inferior insects." Frieza said to himself.

Frieza then began to activate his scouter, only for it to read out three other power levels.

"Ah, would you look at that, it appears that a few Namekian's survived." Frieza said.

Ginyu spoke up.

"If you wish, I could force them to spill their secrets!" Ginyu suggested.

"No, I will ask them myself. I've experienced these poor primitive creatures to handle them on my own. You on the other hand, will guard these Dragon Balls with your life until I return. Do I make myself clear?" Frieza said.

Captain Ginyu bowed.

"As you wish Lord Frieza." Ginyu said.

Frieza proceeded to enter his small hovercraft and flew off to the three power levels.


Burter and Jeice were currently looking in the direction where the unknown ship had landed. And saw what appeared to be a large red ball floating in the air, then the red ball began to fly towards them! The red ball then flew past Recoome, causing the large man to lose his balance. The ball of energy then stopped in front of Ruby, the energy around the ball faded to reveal Oren and Fasha! Vegeta slowly got up.

"Tch! It's about time Tato got here...!" Vegeta said weakly.

Jeice and Burter looked at the newly arrived duo in confusion.

"Hey Burter, is that Fasha?" Jeice asked.

Burter nodded his head.

"Yeah, you're right. It is Fasha!" Burter replied.

"Then who's the other wanker?" Jeice said.

Back in the battlefield, Oren looked down to see Ruby.

"Ruby?" Oren said.

Ruby didn't respond. Oren kneeled down and gently lifted her head, to see that her eyes were staring off into space.

"Hey, Ruby, Ruby? It's okay, I got a Senzu bean." Oren said, gently shaking Ruby's body.

Upon hearing no response, Oren grabbed the small bag of Senzu beans.

"Damn, her neck's broken. That's probably why she can't hear me. But that's okay, I'll feed her a Senzu bean, then she'll be fixed up!" Oren said with hopeful optimism.

Recoome grumbled, annoyed that he was interrupted.

"Hey, who are you! What do you two asshole's think you are, charging in here!" Recoome yelled.

Fasha quickly turned around and gave Recoome a deathly glare that caused him to step back in fear! Even Jeice and Burter were surprised by this.

"D-Did Fasha scare Recoome?!" Jeice said.

"But Recoome's not afraid of anything, what the Hell is going on?!" Burter exclaimed.

Oren placed the Senzu bean into Ruby's mouth.

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