Chapter 16: Blood on my shirt

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Natasha lay with her back propped up against an air vent on the roof. She had taken to coming up here recently; the stillness calmed her mind and allowed her to get a better handle on her thoughts. She had made progress, she thought, since the night she broke down to Wanda. She had purged her soul that night and felt she had nothing left to give. Natasha was still keeping her distance from everyone in the house, Wanda especially, but she was managing to slowly reorder her unusually chaotic mind.

Sitting on the roof and contemplating the world was her mediation she supposed.

The air was warm around her and she contentedly watched as birds danced through the baby blue sky. The scent of autumn was in the air but the weather suggested it was still summer and Natasha was grateful for the sun.

Natasha felt more relaxed on the roof than she did in the compound as there was less chance of someone bothering her up here. She focused on her breathing, closing her eyes and tilting her face towards the sun.

"Miss Romanoff"

Natasha's eyes snapped open and she leapt to her feet.

"Vision! What the fuck!" She hissed at him, not expecting to be startled by the microwave.

"My apologies Miss Romanoff, I didn't think I would scare you" The android replied apologetically.

"You didn't expect to scare me? I know I'm a spy Vision but I didn't exactly expect you to fly onto the roof!" She replied incredulously.

"I did try to find the entrance, but the ladder appears to be located in the cleaning cupboard and it seemed more efficient to simply fly." He shrugged.

Natasha took a calming breath. She liked Vision, she truly did, but sometimes he annoyed her and now was no exception.

"Is there something I can do for you or were you just coming up to admire the view?" Natasha asked sarcastically, noting Vision had a brown paper bag in his hand.

"I actually came to bring you some lunch" Vision answered innocently.

"Lunch?" Natasha repeated, confused.

Vision nodded and sat down on the edge of the roof, his legs dangling over the ledge as his watery blue eyes scanned the view.

"Lunch." He confirmed, gesturing for Natasha to join him.

Natasha huffed but sat on the ledge anyway. Vision handed her the bag and she cautiously looked at the contents.

A cheeseburger, waffle fries and a chocolate milkshake.

"I didn't know you took such interest in my food preferences Vision" She said, raising a challenging eyebrow at him.

If Vision wasn't already red, Natasha was sure she would have seen him blushing.

"I just guessed" He said, avoiding eye contact with the redhead.

"Mmm-hmm. Did you happen to go with anyone to get this or did you go alone? I would find it strange if you went alone, considering you don't eat." She commented nonchalantly, enjoying the flustered look on Vision's face.

Vision was rather lucky that Natasha was in a semi decent mood, otherwise this little stunt could have resulted in him and the food being flung off the roof.

"I didn't go alone Miss Romanoff"

"Call me Nat for God's sake Vision." She said, rolling her eyes.

"So, which member of the house accompanied you on this fast food mission?"

"She wanted to make sure you were eating" Vision said quietly.

Natasha didn't need to be a spy to know who he was referring to.

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