Chapter 11: Sometimes you're a stranger in my bed

Start from the beginning

She huffed and hoisted herself out of the bed, feeling uncharacteristically heavy on her feet. Deciding a run would clear her head and shake off some fatigue she slipped into an old hoodie and leggings.

The sun had already risen by the time she started around the compound but the air was crisp and fresh, dew still coating the grass. She felt her muscles stretch and her mind relax as jogged at an easy pace for 45 minutes or so.

After showering and changing she entered the kitchen in desperate need of coffee and was surprised to find it wasn't empty.

Natasha usually resented what the Red Room had turned her into, but she was quite thankful today that she was emotionless enough to keep her features neutral when she saw that Carol Danvers was stood in the kitchen before breakfast.

"Agent Romanoff" The blonde greeted.

"Danvers" she nodded, ignoring Wanda and pouring herself a coffee.

"Nat, Wanda, you're back!" Steve greatly happily as he entered the kitchen, giving Wanda a quick hug.

Natasha raised a lazy hand in greeting; she knew Steve's main concern was their safety, she didn't need to be cheerful to show him she was safe.

"Did you find it ok Wanda? Learn a lot?" Steve asked genuinely.

Carol and Natasha turned to look at Wanda.

"Yeah Little Witch, was I a good teacher? You were a very good student" Natasha asked with a smirk, her eyebrow raised.

Wanda turned several shades redder than usual.

"I had a good time Steve, thank you. And yes, Natasha taught me several things, I was very lucky to be able to learn from her" Wanda replied, her voice cracking slightly.

"I'm making eggs, anyone want some?" Steve asked politely, tying his apron around his waist.

"No thanks Rogers"

"So, Carol, what brings you to this corner of the universe?" Steve asked.

"Oh I just happened to be around and Fury suggested I come to the compound, maybe take a few training sessions"

"Sounds good, are you staying here?"

"Yeah, only for a few days though."

Natasha gripped the handle of her mug tightly, 25+ years of training the only thing standing in the way of her cracking it over the blonde's head. God she was irrational recently.

"Wanda I was thinking maybe we could catch up while I was here? Go grab some food or something?" Carol asked quietly.

Wanda glanced at Natasha who pretended not to notice.

"Sure, I'd really like that" Wanda replied.

Natasha knew it was none of her business if Wanda went out with the blonde, but it didn't mean she had to like it.

"Vis!" Wanda exclaimed happily as the Red android floated silently into the room.

Wanda ran to him and threw her arms around his neck. Natasha smiled.

Since Vision had clarified his relationship with the girl, any animosity Nat felt towards him had disappeared; she was genuinely thankful that Wanda had someone in her life that cared about her so much.

"Hello Wanda." He said softly, hugging her back.

"Did you both enjoy your trip?"

Wanda nodded, still grinning at him.

"We did thanks Vision. It was very beneficial" she said, throwing Wanda a subtle wink and causing her blush to return tenfold.

Natasha wasn't quite sure why she was teasing Wanda again or why she was referencing their night together but she couldn't seem to help herself.

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