XIX. Evangelist

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The Halloweeners awoke in an entirely white room

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The Halloweeners awoke in an entirely white room. All of them were sitting on chairs.

In front of them sat D'Merveille, his hazel eyes fixed on them all.

"Hello, Halloweeners."

"Huh?" Orlando exclaimed.

The Halloweeners looked at him and at each other bewildered.

"How'd we get here?" Jones asked.

"I brought you here," D'Merveille answered. "Sorry I had to put all of you to sleep. Well, most of you. I brought you here to give you good news."

"Good news?" Da Mirror wondered. "We just got back from a conversation with D'Mort about what happened to our families."

"That's what I wanted to discuss," D'Merveille began. "The souls of your families and the rest of Kleftis's victims have been restored."

The eyes of all of the Halloweeners popped.


Margarita clutched her hair.

"That's impossible! I mean, I thought they were lost forever."

"Not anymore," D'Merveille replied.

"Well, who restored them?" Itan asked.

D'Merveille smiled.

"Why, Romun, of course."

There was silence. The Halloweeners were awestruck on the spot. How, they thought, could a man like Romun have such incredible power? What was he? Orlando was the most puzzled of the bunch. In his own eyes, Orlando was an ant while Romun seemed to be skyscraper tall.

"No frickin' way," Orlando exclaimed.

"How does a guy have this kind of power?" Itan exclaimed.

"If only you knew that before you took your own life," D'Merveille pointed out.

Itan jumped as if someone stuck a long syringe into his bottom.

Suddenly, all eyes were on Itan.

"Dude!" Orlando snapped.

"I knew it!" Jones snapped. "I can't believe you!"

"Okay, okay!" Itan snapped. "So, I made a stupid decision."

"Don't be upset, Halloweeners," D'Merveille beckoned. "He wasn't in his right mind. I will say, though, that the invisible ink that hides more of the prophecy has become visible, just a little."

"So, it isn't over," Margarita surmised.

"Nope," D'Merveille replied nonchalantly.

"Okay, so, what does the rest of the prophecy say?" Orlando asked.

"Now that Kleftis has been defeated, the full version of the prophecy has been released," D'Merveille replied. "Starting from where we left off, it says, "Upon the defeat of the Great Thief by the All Hallow's Eve Quintet with the aid of a powerful Pure Heart, two more enemies shall appear. A Murderous Witch wed to the Great Thief and her Mad Hobgoblin familiar will try to restore her husband. So, the Pure Heart, a One-Eyed Woman, a Fire King, a Mage, and a Lumberjack must aid them on their journey. By the blood of three members of the Halloween Quintet, the second drop of blood of the first of the three, and the energy of the Pure Heart shall the Weighers of Sin be destroyed and the Mage will set the Hobgoblin free so that the Hobgoblin and his offspring will aid them all. The One-Eyed Woman, the Fire King, and the Mage shall face-off with the transfigured heir of the Great Thief and the Murderous Witch: a Chaos Bringer of Spirit Magic who will try to finish what her ancestors started. By the blood of these three sealed by the second drop of blood of the second of the three members of the Halloween Quintet shall the Chaos Bringer be destroyed. By the blood of three shall the world be saved and by the blood of three shall good triumph over evil. The Blood of Three will save us all. The Blood of Three will save us all. The Blood of Three will save us all."

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