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Hello Everyone! This is my very first story and I hope you all like it!!

Some points about our female lead, Ava Wilson.

~ She is strong and likes to fight her own battles. (we love a strong female lead, don't we!)

~ Likes to make a statement wherever she goes.

~ She can be a bitch sometime but never to her loved ones. 

~ She is a different personality with her family and friends and has a different personality for everyone else.

~ She has anxiety. (You will know more about it further in the story!)

Some points about the story.

~ Has some damn good looking cast! *wink wink*

~ Has NO SMUTs or whatever you guys call it! But there will be some steamy romance and all.

~ There will be drama. LOTs of drama. May not always be very practical but who cares! We just want a good fictional teen drama! Don't we?

~ It's probably a mix of all the cliché stories you have read so far but with twists and turns.

~ May have trigger warnings (abuse, anxiety attack). I will warn you beforehand. [If you need to talk to anyone about anything which is bothering you, even if you think it's silly, I am hear to listen. Don't hesitate to ping up!]

I WOULD LOVE SOME CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM BUT PLEASE REFRAIN FROM BEING RUDE. I may not know something or whatever, you can surely educate me in those topics if I go wrong somewhere or offend anyone...but please don't be rude. I love you guys!

I promise to make it a fun read so do give it a read!! 


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