005 encounter

92 5 7

Hello reader 🥰
I've come to a decision to continue writing in first person...
I might not be too experienced with this writing style but hey.. there's always room for improvement 😉

After catching up with my hero academia, I've decided to continue a story I've had unpublished for quite a while, called unfulfilled promises. I felt it wasn't to the best of my abilities and calling it cringe is an understatement.
I wrote it in third person and I'll continue doing so..
If you're interested give it a read but I cannot promise you a specific date I will publish new chapters :)

I also apologize if I am inconsistent- exams are absolutely killing me rn 😀
Anyways here is the long awaited chapter five 💕

Please vote for this chapter if you've enjoyed it!

Song: Gallowdance by Lebanon Hanover


Eren lay in bed, snoring softly.
He looked so peaceful.. unlike usually.
He always tried to come across as loud, angered maybe. I recognised why he acted like that. Isn't it every living beings first instinct? To survive in a hostile environment, you must appear stronger than you actually are.

I placed my palm on his forehead, checking for temperature. He was warm to the touch. I couldn't help put notice a buzzing sensation on my fingertips, as if there was something emitting it beneath his skin. I quickly drew my hand back. Perhaps a indicator of a more serious illness? I sighed. I traced my fingers across his cheekbone, but the feeling was gone. Am I seeing things again? After all, I've had way too much alcohol and too little sleep.

Armin thanked me and Mikasa for helping bringing eren into his bed in the boy's dorm room. We both left soon after. See you later...Eren.


In the morning, we got different tasks to do since we had graduated from the 104th training corps. I was supposed to clean the cannons and make sure none of them were damaged.

Eren, a short blonde girl, I and a tall dark haired guy who I believe was named Franz chose to walk to the walls together. The two were engulfed in a conversation about if they think kierse had ever had a woman in his life. I walked in silence, looking at parents with their children, holding hands, arguing, laughing. I caught myself looking longingly at the girl getting her hair braided by her mom.. "you know..," said Eren, looking at a boy having a temper tantrum and screaming at his mom, "They may call it a front line town, but we're getting more people."

"Well, nothing has happened for five years now," the blonde girl exclaimed enthusiastically, "People cannot live in fear forever."
I looked at her, curiously. It's hard to find people with such a positive outlook on life these days...
I'm not sure if I like these type of people or get annoyed by them.
It's not like I'm a pessimist myself, but it's hard to be happy if you're constantly surrounded by death.
Death's always been there but it is different when wherever you look you see it.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name-" you pursed your lips. "Oh, I introduced myself to you before. Oh well. My name is Hannah!" She smiled.

"Back to the conversation... I can't forget to mention we've made the walls a lot stronger these past five years. Maybe that collosus titan had given up on us.." Franz continued, full of hope, looking at Hannah who was giggling.

We were nearing the walls.

"Who said we were married...?!"

"To think we'd make a good couple..."
They both stammered, hiding their red faces in their arms.

"You're getting ahead of yourself, Eren!" I laughed at his angered expression.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞 {eren yeager x reader}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz