002 104th training corps

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Hello everyone thank you so much to anyone who voted for my previous chapter and left positive comments <3

No but seriously it means sm to me 😭😭

Anyways here's the next chapter.
I try to follow the manga but i felt like I can't just skip onto the disbanding ceremony so here's a little filler chapter (•‿•)

Song: тоска ву молснат дома (melancholy)


All of this has occured five years ago. A half decade.
And throughout that half-decade, I learnt a great deal about this horrible world.
It was a lot to take in, but at least I was on the same page as the rest of the civilization living or shall I say surviving withing these walls.

Although I must confess that much of what I studied about the titans and the history of the walls did not add up. To begin with, I was informed there was no life outside the walls...but I awoke outside of them, unharmed.

Finally, it was difficult for me to imagine that people were able to construct these gigantic walls with limited resources and in such a short time frame while hiding from these collosal monsters, titans.

There was very little information about the titans themselves. I would have thought that with the amount of time that has passed since the walls were built, we would know a lot more about them.

I lost track of how many books I read just to get this little information. But that's beside the point right now. What's more, I found out that I'm eligible to join the Training Corps.


"As everyone knows, the titans devoured the entire human population 107 years ago, save for us",
the instructor strode up and down
Alongside the first line of the trainees,
"With tragedy, we paid the price for 100 years of peace. We were unprepared for the unexpected appearance of the collosus titan, given the circumstances of the time."

The instructor, also known as Keith Shadis was doing his famous 'speech' on the importance of us fighting for humanity. He was a very tall man, he was walking around intimidating and frightening trainee after trainee, asking them their names and place of origin.

"What is your name cadet."
The dark haired boy with freckles was practically trembling in his shoes. You questioned if he truly wanted to join the military.

The boy raised his fist to his heart, Swallowing the lump in his throat.
"My name is Marco bott sir! I'm here to serve the king!"
Instructor Shadis laughed him off and told him about how the king only cares about wealth and his own safety and has all of them up his ass.

Another boy with a buzz cut, Connie Springer 'dedicated his heart' with the wrong hand, Shadis asked him if his heart is on the right side.Before he had the chance to further literate him, we heard a tremendous crunching sound. The instructor, myself, and a few other cadets spun around to face the source of the noise. A brunette girl wearing her hair in a sloppy ponytail was eating a cooked potato.

Shit,I spaced out in the middle of it because he gave out to her so much. When he was through, he told us to go to the mess hall and get some food for our ungrateful asses.

"Tch. Why did he walk past that bunch over there and didn't even ask them anything? Are they his favourites or what?" A guy asked Marco, his long face resembling the one of a horse.
"Haven't you heard? Those are the people who are from Shiganshina."
"The place that got breached by the collosus bitch?"

When we all entered the mess hall, Eren was bombarded with questions of all sort, while Armin and the girl I later learned was named Mikasa sat
There awkwardly.

I kept my distance and sat near a tall, muscular, freckled female with short hair who didn't appear amused.
She gave of a hint of sulphur.

He told them all about the horrors of that unfortunate day, his mother, and then he pointed at me and said he recognised me from that day. Then potato girl, Sasha, asked me for mine name.
"Well I don't typically give away information on myself, but my name is y/n Kovalski and I'm from Shiganshina district just like Yeager, and his two Mates.

"Unlike all of you, there is no files on me because I was actually homeless my entire life and have never met my parents."
Everyone started expressing their deepest sympathy but I couldn't give a single shit, it was a lie after all, but for the sake of the act I smiled and said I appreciate them and that everything is perfectly fine.

'unlike all of you'.....
I've got a strong feeling that not everyone in this room was being honest, even if I had no idea why. I didn't know who it was.
I'll just be cautious and not put my trust in anyone, I thought.

I was the last one to leave and I happened to overhear a conversation between a guy named Marco and one named Reiner alongside with a strangely tall one who's name I
couldn't remember.

"Oh nobody asked us this question before, right bertholdt?", The tall one nodded nervously, "we're from a place called jinae, you know where that is right?"
"Oh yes, I happen to know that place very well, after all I lived there my entire life. It's a small village I wonder why I've never seen you around." He shrugged and walked off into the boys bedroom.

"That was a close one, Reiner."
"I know we're going to have to be more alert than ever amongst these devils."

Devils? What devils? You mean titans?

"Reiner.. when are we leaving? You told us that it won't be long.."
"We have to find the coordinate, recapture one of us and find the missing piece. It is not my fault there's so much complications. I just wish that someone would just give us a hint on who they are.."

"I understand Reiner", bertholdt looked at him with pity, "but this is not how this works."

I stepped back. Trying to exit unnoticed when they turned around and saw me. Reiner went pale and bertholdt's eyes widened.

"Oh, hello there boys, I've just finished cleaning up after everyone. What are you doing out so late at night?"
I smiled at them walking past them.

"Ah well nothing... Kovalski..", I interrupted him, "you can call me y/n!" "Aah, y/n it is! Well we were just outside for some fresh air.. to clear our minds."
"Alright then! Goodnight!" I waved at them and entered the girls' bedroom. All of them were sleeping.

I laid down on my designated bed and thought about everything. Firstly I despite being so sweet and nice to everyone but that did not in fact matter. What matters is that they are lying. That the word coordinate and missing piece rings a bell. Also one thing struck me like a brick.

They both smelled of sulfur.


End of chapter two.

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