Chapter 27: I love you

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Song: Do it to it by Acraze

Jungkook p.o.v:
"You better not get hurt this time." Jimin scolds me.
"Don't worry, you patched me up nicely." I wink at him.
"Jungkook I know we haven't talked about it yet but will you be my boyfriend?"
"Ask me again after the fight." I blow him a kiss.
"I will do that." Jimin bits his lip.
"Jimin do not worry, everything will be fine." I tell him before raising a shield of earth.
"I hope you're right." Jimin nods but then we got attacked. I grit my teeth as I held up the shield and threw rocks at them. Jimin made tentacles from water attacking them. But one of them managed to hit Jimin making me lose focus and lower my shield. I quickly stamped my feet on the ground creating a landslide, so the army could't reach us. I ran over to Jimin "Are you okay?"
He placed his hand over the burnmark to heal himself "I am all better now."
"I am glad." I smile.
"That was a pretty cool move." Jimin replies. then hot air ships appeared at the sky. "We are doomed." I mutter.
"No we are not." I reply smirking "I am going to take it down."
"By bending the wings that are made from metal."
"How did you think of that?"
"I read it in a comic book once." 
"How are you going to get  up there?"
"Jimin I love you."
Jimin his eyes widened "You said you would tell me after the fight." I give him a small smile "NO." Jimin shouts grabbing me tight.
I kiss him "FInd the others."  then I shot myself up at the sky towards the ships. I grabbed one of the ropes and climbed up. I looked down to see Jimin watching me, don't worry I think I promised to come back alive and I will honor that promise my love. I took a deep breath before placing my hands on the wings bending it. The ship swayed to the side flying into the other airships but the impact made me lose my balance and caused me to fall off the ship. I looked down trying to figure out a way to survive but then I heard a loud growl and noticed Oempa flying towards me. I screamed out in happiness as the skybison catched me. "You are a hairy and smellt saviour." I tell Oempa as I kiss his head "Now let's go find the others."

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