Family Explained

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Okay, so Desi families are big lol and I haven't really thought of explaining it before but then I was like why not just make a small chapter with the family connections hehe.

I have not really added all these characters in the story, like some only have names and no proper dialogues or anything but they still are there.

Starting from the main I'll go down to the side ones. Approximate ages will be in the brackets.


M. Nawab Ahmad (78) Raisa Khatun (68)


1# Noor Fatima (52) Mansur Siqqidue (61)


1. Hashim Mansur (31)(engaged)

2. Habiba Khalil (30) (married)

3. Aruba Iqrar (27) (")

4. Azaan Mansur (26) (single)

5. Aabiya Mansur (24)(single in love with herself😂)

6. Azlan Mansur (16) (single)


2# M. Khalid Ahmad (50) Humaira (49)

1. Madiha Khalid (25)


3# M. Khurram Ahmad (48) Washma (46)

1. Danish (29) ♡ Ammara(26)

Offsprings: Hammad(5) & Humna(2)

2. Daneen (26) (married to Farhan (30)

3. Daniyal Khurram (23)


3# Shabina Bano (44) x Zafar Maqsood (52)

1. Ifrah Izaan (26)(married)

2. Rafey Zafar (25) (single)

3. Maham Zafar(21) (single)

4. Maha Zafar (19) (")


Daniyal's Best Friends:

Nile Malik (23)

Son of late;
Hassan Malik and Sawera Malik
(They passed away in an accident when he was 2)

Lives with his maternal uncle and his wife (Mamu Mumani)
Shazad Abrar and Romesa.

Zeeniya Iftikhar (20)

Daughter of;
Iftikhar Saleh and Jaweria


1. Zakwan (16)
2. Zunaira (13)


Q. How is Zeeniya related to Daneen and Farhan?

Ans. Zeeniya's mother Jaweria, is maternal cousin (Khala-zad) of Farhan's mother.

Q. How are Asim and Zeeniya cousins?

Ans. Asim and Zeeniya are second cousins. Asim's father is Zeeniya's mother's (Jaweria's) brother (Mamu to Zeeniya).
That is how Asim is related to Farhan as well and hence was invited to the picnic.

Zeeniya and Asim went to the same college but asim is two years her senior as old as Daniyal. He is an Engeneering student.

Q. Desi Family have both maternal & paternal side but only paternal have been shown.

Ans. Maternal family of Daniyal and Madiha was planned such that:

Humaira is an only child, and her closest sister/cousin is Maria.

- While Washma has an elder sister and a younger brother both married of course with children, but I have not the strength in me to add anymore characters so they exist nonexistently.. 😂😂😂


Side Characters:

Zeeniya's Friends;
Irha and Wasif.

Nawab household's maid;
Our very own
Shazia♥ 😉😂


Important Characters:

1. Rehan Zulfiqar (Farhan's Phuppo's Son)

2. Maria (Humaira's second cousin, like a sister)

3. Maria's Son; Abubakr and his daughter Aimaa.


I have tried to explain many characters and relations and their approximate ages, hope a more clear family picture is made for you guys.

Again, Not all characters are in the story with major roles but they still are part of the family.


- Noor Fatima's Husband (Mansur) and Humaira, (Madiha's mom) are also distant cousins. Khalid Ahmad had an arranged marriage as explained in Introduction chapter.

- Khurram Ahmad and Washma were college sweethearts.. As mentioned in Introduction Chapter... (Chotey Uncle kind of should've known his romantic genes will pass over cough cough..) 😅

Eeeeshhh bss that's all the family.

Yes Desi families are big and complicated and I love them that way 😁


I am Madiha ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat