Chapter 9: He's Dead??? NO!

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Tommy walks around to the back of the small hill and starts looking through his photos that he saved. Some of them made him laugh and smile, but most of them reminded him of what he lost, the friend that betrayed him. He talked to himself for a bit before beginning to pillar up using the blocks he collected from the explosion sites. Once he was well over the ground he looked down at the destroyed remains of his recent home.

"I can't do this anymore. I'm all alone now." He muttered before building up more.

Scarlet soon looked to the direction Tommy ran off to only to see the giant pillar being built up into the sky. She panicked and ran around looking for blocks or something to help her get up to him because she knew he was far too high to hear her yelling. She did find a couple pieces of Obsidian and a fire charge that Tommy probably got from trades. She hesitated, knowing that she was technically not allowed in the nether, but she had no choice. She needed to get help.

She looked again to Tommy and felt her eyes begin to water. "Please wait for me Tommy. Don't jump, please." She begged, knowing he couldn't hear her. She quickly placed the obsidian, threw the fire charge at it, and then went through the portal.

Once again she was engulfed in heat like not too long ago. Looking around she realized finding the right path would be harder than she thought. So many paths branched off deep into the nether high and low. It was far too confusing for her to try and figure out but she needed to try. She started by taking the path that was coming from the exil location, which led her to a much wider path. It branched off going to the Left and Right. Thinking back to the day she was found, she remembered the three coming from the right side of her hiding spot. Of course she didn't know what direction that was concerning this path but she went right anyway. 

She took off in a spring and the path suddenly had bright green arrows pointing behind her. She almost squealed in joy, remembering Tommy telling her about his modifications to the path in order to tell everyone where they were. Of course it didn't work and no one came, but this was definitely the right direction. She picked up pace and ran even faster towards the portal that she could now see. It was way bigger than the one she came out of earlier, but she didn't have time to think about it. She ran through and instantly looked around for someone, then they heard voices and ran towards the source.

"Ranboo I just want to try once. I haven't even attempted to go yet and I miss the big man." She heard one of them say to a much taller one.

"Tubbo I don't think it's a good idea, Dream just told us Tommy wasn't allowed any visitors. We could get him in trouble." Ranboo replied.

Tubbo didn't have time to respond because Scarlet ran right in between them and tripped. SHe groaned and rolled on to her back looking up at them. The two looked at her confused, but tense and alarmed. "Tommy... help... exile... pillar... follow... please..." Scarlet attempted to get a coherent sentence out of her mouth but she was so out of breath from running the whole way here.

Tubbo heard Tommy's name and glared at her, instantly throwing his armor on and pointing a sword at the girl holding it inches from her neck. "What do you know about Tommy Innit??"

"Tubbo chill dude! She's obviously in distress and needs help. Pointing a sword at her isn't going to help anything." Ranboo scoffed at his impulsive trigger happy friend, pushing the sword away and helping Scarlet up.

"I don't have time to explain! Tommy is about to do something really stupid. I need a lot of blocks and someone fast at pillaring up! Now!" She yelled before turning back to the portal.

They both still had no information but if Tommy was in trouble they would both help. Ranboo double checked to make sure he had blocks before they took off to the exile location. Scarlet was running so fast that the two almost didn't see it when she disappeared from their vision. She was so emotional and worried for her friend that her eyes started glowing purple and she teleported directly in front of the portal. She froze and looked behind her, the boys were still another minute behind so she decided to just go through the portal and make sure they weren't too late.

She got through to the exile spot and ran over to the pillar, it was a lot higher than when she left. She looked up to the top when the air was ripped from her mouth in a small gasp. Her weight became to much before she gavenup, falling to her knees, letting out a choked sob, and placing her hand over her mouth. Tommy was no longer at the top of the pillar. He was gone.

Tubbo and Ranboo finally came out of the portal panting and looking for the girl. Ranboo saw the tall stack of blocks long before the broken child on the ground. Tubbo hadn't gotten past the tower, or the fact that his best friend was nowhere to be seen on top. The half Enderman boy ran over to Scarlet and pulled Tubbo with him, knowing he couldn't comfort both of them from far apart. He pulled Tubbo to the ground and hugged both of the two tightly. The three sat there for a long while coming to terms with the fact that Tommy was in fact gone.

Tubbo was still in denial, he hadn't cried. 'Tommy wouldn't. Surely not.' is all he continued to mutter. Any other words that he attempted to think of failed to come out. He looked around before something on the ground caught his attention. At the base of the pillar were two items that seemed to have dropped. The goat boy untangled himself from the hug and shakily stood up to walk over to them. He slowly bent down and picked them up, getting hit with a dreadful feeling of acceptance. In his hands were a compass, and a picture of him and Tommy at the beach. Tommy wouldn't have just left them here to disappear, according to Ghostbur Tommy wasn't seen without the compass ever.

Scarlet looked over to Tubbo with teary eyes and saw what he was holding. Another soft sob was let out and she looked to Ranboo. The right side of his face was starting to steam up, or smoke. Scarlet pulled herself together and put up her front, she reached up and wiped the tears away with her sleeve and shook her head. "Tommy wouldn't have wanted us to cry. Especially you two. He cared too much for you."

Ranboo sniffled and smiled sadly at the girl who then stood up and walked towards Tubbo. She pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back lightly. "You know, he never gave up hope on you. Even in the very end, he never let anyone convince him that you two were gone. He never gave up hope on HIS Tubbo." With that she grabbed the necklace around the compass that Tubbo was holding and put it around the boy's neck.

Tubbo looked down at the compass again and then back to Scarlet. His voice was horse and shaky but he needed to know more. "Who even are you? How do you know Tommy so well?"

"I have been here with him the whole time he's been here, well since Christmas. They found me in the nether, and Dream didn't trust me so he brought me here with Tommy and Ghostbur. Tommy and I have... had gotten really close." Scarlet said, looking up to the tower. She was confused as to why he would have done that. 

Then she got the realization that Tommy wouldn't have done that. He wouldn't have left Tubbo like that, he wouldn't have ended things the same way Wilbur did because he knew what it felt like for the people left here. Scarlet began to look around for anything to prove that she was right. Her eyes felt drawn to the stuff that Tubbo was looking at in his hands, still holding back his emotions so his friend and the stranger wouldn't see him in such a weak state.

Everything fell into place when she looked back to the spot Tubbo picked them up at. The compass and picture were right at the base of the tower, like almost touching the block. If Tommy would have jumped off the pillar it would have been at least two blocks out, unless he wanted to be in a lot of unnecessary pain by hitting the blocks on the way down, so something wasn't adding up. Scarlet looked around the location before noticing the pool of water a bit away from the pillar. The jump was definitely close enough to make considering how high up he was on that pillar.

"Tubbo, we should get back to Marburg. We need to tell everyone about Tommy and plan a funeral." Ranboo whispered, walking over to Tubbo. The boys had both composed themselves a lot and seemed to be hiding whatever emotions they were feeling. 

Scarlet however, was walking towards Trent, looking for something very specific. She didn't find the thing that she was in pursuit for, which made her smile slightly, feeling a huge weight lifting off her chest. Tommy wasn't gone, he left to hide. She knew because he took the book. 

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