Chapter 35: Somewhere Tonight

Start from the beginning

You could tell only by looking at them. No one knew what it was around those two, but they shared such a deep and beautiful connection it could only be projected onto others in a positive blooming way.

Things and days at Kinfauns were perfect to say the least. Between both built a beautiful timeless home where photos of their travels, wedding and honeymoon hung on the walls, just like photos of George's family, paintings that Cynthia did to represent Rebecca's family. Records and more records arranged all over the house, guitars, ukuleles, and sitars and Indian instruments walking from one place to another.

Designer furniture that Rebecca carefully selected and paid for with her own money. She also created some handmade pieces design by her. It was a cosy place where all their friends regularly meet together, filling the house with laughs and music and lots of food.

Recently they painted the exterior walls with colourful psychedelic patterns leaving the pure white in the past, in general it'd been George's idea, but Rebecca didn't refuse, and they had an incredible time painting together.

Not to mention the beautiful garden George created for them.

Them, Rebecca said, but in fact, George knew he was doing it just for her, and he was delighted to please his lovely wife by doing gardening things. Not without considering the countless times that he was interrupted by Becca and her burning desire for him. He was even able to grow a beautiful bougainvillea just for Rebecca; an incredible feat to do in England.

And while he still hadn't fully spent all his free time in the garden, he did great things in there. When he wasn't doing something at EMI's studios, like recording Sgt. Pepper's or his own studio at home practicing with Ravi, now that gigs and tours were over, he could tell he was officially Mr. Harrison and that made him incredibly blissful.

Thanks to Rebecca and with her, George was able to ride on his spiritual journey and connect with Hinduism and Indian culture, things which also filled him. It made him happy to go on a good course. However, there was still a long way to go but meditating and connecting with all helped him a lot.

And they would be always grateful with this wisdom which made them open their eyes and soul to be together for good. As much other knowledges, the couple became vegetarian too. George and Becca even got married once more, by a marriage ceremony when they pilgrimaged back to India in September 1966.

Rebecca kept getting used to life in the past, in the 60s, with the help of her loving husband. And George also got used to her occasionally speaking strangely or asking for things that didn't exist yet. Becca tried not to do it so often and not to interfere with the course of life, but she wasn't perfect.

She didn't tell George what she knew about the next years, surprisingly, things were very similar to what she knew, but in a different way. And from what she knew she would continue at George's side for a long, long time. Strange but true. Sukanya told them, as she knew it for sure.

It was magic and chaos completely covering them, although as in all marriages there were difficult moments, most of them were for foolish or external reasons.

Why don't you pick up your clothes? Why did you eat my candies? Why is your bed's side so comfortable? And the ultimate favourite: Why are you wearing too many layers of clothes?

At the end of the day, even if there were many difficult days, neither of them could remember one that made them want to walk away or had really angered them. It was still pretty soon to say it, their love was young, yet they discovered so much together and knew each other way too well, the couple could assure that it would always be like it. It felt like a lifetime, but they didn't get tired of each other.

It was something special about their relationship, their love existed thanks to magic, mystery and energy, they shared a deep fond, opened to each other so completely, not only physically, sexually, and spiritually but like human beings, soulmates and bound themselves together.

Their love for sure broke a lot of natural laws but it never felt wrong or in a bad way. On the contrary, it always felt like walking on the right path, with love, mistakes holding together.

Between them made a great team.

Contrary to pretty much every man in the 60s, bandmates included, George understood quickly that he had to be an active part of the formation of their home. John Lennon called it "feminist propaganda" but being with Becca taught George Harrison so much and he saw the world differently.

Each one had tasks and responsibilities in the house, he was always committed to do it, and he knew it wasn't only his wife's task to attend their household.

Rebecca adored he was such a hardworking, caring, loving, handy and sexy man. He was totally perfect, created by the universe and the gods.

Life was good, full of love, respect and joy between them, their connection was so deep, only with one look they told each other everything, what the other thought, wanted or needed, there wasn't need for words many times. Both had their space, their job, their things, and all that helped their relationship to strengthen.


The kiss caused them to end up lying on the grass in the bright early spring sun, the precious white light made shine on Rebecca's necklace and the ring on her finger projecting on George's face a kaleidoscope of colors thanks to the reflection.

"Then, what ye think? Should I keep it, shouldn't I?" George asked between kisses above his amazing wife, enjoying her delicious lips which tasted like honey.

"This?" Rebecca said stroking his moustache and beard lightly. "Fuck yeah! You look even more handsome. How is that possible?" One thing for sure was it; George Harrison with facial hair was on another level. She returned to seek his lips, but now she'd totally changed her way to a sweeter and more tender one. "Still tickles me though"

"You'll get used to" George giggled "So, baby what will be my next move?" he asked as always teasing his wife about her condition in the world. He always used to joke about it as if Becca could predict his moves.

The female narrow her dark eyes and put a funny grimace rolling them. "Y'know your joke it's so 1965... It's getting old,"

George proceeded to rub his face into his girl's, placing soft and delicate kisses all over her face making her giggle too.

Staring at each other, they ended with a soft, attentive, tender kiss full of so much love mixing in their mouths.

"Te amo muchísimo, George Harrison"

"I love you so, so much, my beautiful Becca! My love..." he whispered, bringing their foreheads together.

They were truly the perfect match.


A/N: And that's it. This is the last chapter. Before I start to burst in tears I wanna thank you all for stopping by every time. Believe me when I say I didn't expect anyone to read it. I'm so happy to conclude this.

If you are interested Part Two is coming, those chapters will be shorter so I hope you like them. I'm gonna take some days off to prepare everything.

All my loving.

- Stella Harrison

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