Chapter 5: Summer's End

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Attached is a rough map of Ert I drew in physics on a whiteboard while we were taking notes. 

"Summer ends today," Aerya announced once we had all woken. "By the time it comes again, it will already have begun."

Neither Solstice nor I cared to ask what she meant by that. I'd tried once, but Aerya did not seem to know herself. We both struggled sleepily down to the river to wash up for the day.

Solstice thanked me, as she usually did, when I fixed her hair. We both washed up and bathed in the nearby river, though this time, I was far more wary of my companion's nudity. My heart had beat so loud as I'd watched her undress, and I was sure that Solstice had heard it too. It was an effort to ignore my sudden arousal and desire for her, so much so that she clearly noticed the difference, even though she said nothing.

Solstice had dried herself, though the poorly sewn robe she'd donned still became damp. I remained naked for the moment, allowing the small bit of sun that had breached the tree covering to warm and dry me as I laid on the riverbank. While my companion was blind, I could feel that she was aware of my state. I could hear her heartbeat quickening, and something was different in her scent.

"What's it like in Elsinct?" I found myself wondering suddenly.

"You might know more than I do."

"Why- oh... right." She had been very young, and it was easy to forget things after seven or eight years of trying.

"Elsinct is nothing but a distant memory," Solstice said. "My time without you is already beginning to feel the same."

"Has it really been that long?" I wondered. Solstice shrugged, but gave no other answer. Suddenly the air changed, and the scent of grass and tree bark floated across the river.

"Something's coming," Solstice warned suddenly. I heard it too, a stomping noise... heavy footsteps... Whatever was coming was not small.

"I hear it too..." I said distractedly, getting to my feet. "Get ready..."

"For what?" Neither of us had any idea what was coming. I was still naked, and Solstice was even less prepared to fight. Naked Nancy is back... Jaaran has found us... the forest is being invaded... some animal has come to eat us... an evil witch is after us... a million possibilities went through my mind, none of them good.

"It's here," I whispered. I could feel its footsteps in the earth, I could hear the crack of tree branches... "It's huge."

"Sora..." Solstice's voice shook, and when I looked back at her, I saw her body doing the same.

"Stay behind me," I told her, struggling to keep my own voice steady. "If I tell you to run..."

"I won't leave you."

"I hope you won't have too."

I stood protectively in front of the blind girl, trying to remember what I'd learned fighting in Viri. They never taught me anything, I reflected. You can only learn by doing. I hadn't had a real fight since Naked Nancy, but that would not lessen my chances here. I can't let it.

The trees across the shallow water began to shake. I looked back at Solstice to be sure she was safe. When I turned back, there was a loud crack, like splintering wood, and one of the shorter trees fell towards us. It brought a storm of leaves and twigs down as it fell and collided with other trees. A large splash, along with a cloud of dirt and dust, signified its landing. Solstice yelped behind me as we were sprayed with debris. I grasped her hand behind my back with my off hand, but made no movements otherwise as the dust settled around us.

The Wolf WitchOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz