You took a deep breath yourself as you handed Loki his tea, explaining, "well once I noticed you had fallen asleep I turned off the projector and went to get you a blanket and pillow, I had put the pillow carefully under your head and covered you with the blanket when you turned over, knocking it off and pulling me into your arms, where you promptly laid back down... I tried to wake you up at first but... after a few minutes of trying I noticed how tired you looked and figured it was best just to let you sleep". As you spoke you recalled the scene in your mind; trying to wake Loki up, trying to push up off of him and gently slapping his face, but all it did was make him turn over and now he was on top. Nothing like this had ever happened to you, only in anime and in the occasional fantasy you had about some of the characters you liked did this ever happen, it was nothing like you imagined. Loki was heavy which was nice but his hold on you was tight, he wasn't crushing you by any means but it was just a little tighter than you would have liked, and his warm breath on your neck and ear made it very hard to relax. "This is fine" you whispered to yourself, although in your mind it was more like you were that cute dog with the hat surrounded by fire as this situation was definitely not fine. You eventually gave in as on closer inspection you noticed how tired Loki really looked, your heart ached thinking about how busy he must have been searching for Jane's attacker with Thor and the other Avengers. You managed to free your arms, placing them around Loki's back, patting and rubbing gently, tracing lines all over as a way to occupy your time and to comfort him. You started humming quietly under your breath but it would seem that Loki heard you, somewhere while in the Dream Realm he was still listening and he cuddled closer, even whispering your name. It made you blush and you wondered if he was dreaming about you, you've dreamed about him after all, nothing crazy, not that any of your dreams were that out there. For the most part, you were stuck in Wonderland with him, having tea with Loki, he was the Mad Hatter and you were Alice or in the Wizard of Oz, you were Dorthy and Loki was somehow the Scarecrow, the Tinman, and the Cowardly Lion while Toto was replaced by a tiny talking version of Lily. 

You took a sip of your tea as you thought about it more before getting up to get the waffles from the machine, along with the proper toppings, and some fruit to have with it asking which Loki preferred on his waffles, butter and maple syrup or butter and jam. Loki didn't mind either, whatever you were having was fine as he was still kind of in shock from what he had done last night, but he was even more worried by your lack of reaction, you should have been angry, hate him or something but you weren't and he asked why. You thought about it as you grabbed the maple syrup and the jam as you liked a little of both on your waffles, eventually admitting that you didn't think you could ever hate him. You weren't one to really get mad, not really being in too many situations where you recall being really angry, only annoyed with a person mostly, or a situation from time to time. 

Loki thought about what you said, and he tried to recall a time you were really mad but couldn't, you were just a really nice person at heart, but he also realized something else. You were kind of a push-over, you'd go along with pretty much anything to keep others happy, even if you were uncomfortable, at least if the memories you told him were true, which he was certain they were. Loki said you were very odd, not in a bad way but you would go to great lengths for people, but not ask or expect the same in return, in fact, you would hardly ask for anything. "But there's nothing I really need or want", you stated, as you cleared the table, with Loki trying to stop you, saying he was more than capable of clearing his own plate, but you told him no. You explained there was a certain way you liked to load the dishwasher, your mother would never listen and do it wrong so you always did it, you knew it was annoying, you had been told as much in the past. 

Before you could load up the dishwasher Loki took the plates from you, using magic to wash them and you couldn't help but think of the cleaning scene from "The Sword In The Stone". You looked sheepish and a little embarrassed while thanking Loki before stating he didn't have to do that, as it was your house and a guest shouldn't be doing the dishes. "I did stay the night, uninvited I might add, the dishes are the least I could do", Loki said in such a way to only add to your shyness, and you turned away pouting a little, muttering under your breath about how he didn't have to do that when you noticed the time. You were running late and quickly zipped upstairs to shower and get ready, tripping on the way but you recovered quickly, popping back up two seconds later calling out "I'm okay", as the thud was quite audible. 

When I Met YouМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя