one: the one who sneaked

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Chapter 1 – The One Who Sneaked

Seven Years Later

I parked my car right beside a blue Mercedes and observed the people in the campus.

“Wow.” I mutter to myself. “This is like that public school all over again.” I say this because in my past schools, students weren’t allowed to roam around the campus and they should just stay in their classrooms.

And speaking of that public school, that douchebag Carl never replied to any of my letters. I sighed and headed out, locking my car. Our communication only lasted for a year before he suddenly stopped communicating with me. Despite that though, I never stopped sending letters. I only stopped sending letters when I turned sixteen, knowing it was stupid to cling onto false hope.

I opened the trunk of my car and picked up a box. I pushed the doors of the entrance open only to be greeted by a woman with a smile on her face.

“Hi there. Good morning.” She greets. I nod and greet her as well.

“Are you a freshman?”

“Um… yes. Why?” Her eyes instantaneously lit up.

“My name’s Gabrielle. Call me Gabi or Gab or whatever suites your fancy because I’ll be your tour guide for your first week here.” Oh they had these here? This should be interesting.

“My name’s Shaine.” I smiled and held out my hand. “I’m taking Pediatrics.”

“Aww that’s great! I’m in my second year here and I badly needed the grades so here I am, volunteering to show people around. My course is Literature. Do you need help with the boxes?”

I nodded and smiled at her. “Yes please.” Together, we walked to my car and gathered all the boxes. Once we have them all, we placed them in front of the entrance of a building. I don’t know why here but I didn’t bother asking.

“So let’s start the tour now shall we?” She says. Apparently, the first and second day is the day where the tour guides show the freshmen around so we continued to talk as she showed me around, sometimes bumping into fellow tour guides. She showed me where the cafeteria was, the classes, the buildings, everything.

“You seem to know this place quite well.”

“Well what kind of tour guide will I be if I didn’t right?” We continued to walk as we headed into the next building.

“Alright so this building is the girls’ dorm. There are also showers in this building so yeah. What’s your dorm room number?” She asked and I searched the papers which I held in my arms.

“Umm… 364.” I mutter, fixing the papers in my hands which contained different flyers to different clubs, my schedule and some information which I scribbled down on a paper as she showed me around.

“Your parents must be rich huh?” My heart started to race. Does she know who I am? If she does then I might have to hit her. Hard. I don’t want to explain who I am or what I’m doing in a university like this.

“Well I guess. Why?” I reply, trying to be calm.

“Dorms 360-410 are one of the most expensive dorms here. The windows show a beautiful view of the city and it even comes with a balcony. Wow you sure are lucky.” I nodded meekly as we gathered the boxes we placed in the entrance earlier and entered the building. There were a few girls when we entered. Some were in their pajamas and some were wearing casual clothes. It was also noisy. Gab pressed the elevator and we waited.

“So how do you like the school so far?” She asks.

“I really wouldn’t call this a school.”

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