Thoughtful Decisions

114 6 4

October 3

Zander and I have been keeping a close eye on Stacy the past few days. One thing's for sure, she moves very quickly., almost too quickly. She seems sort of out of it recently, like she's on the brink of insanity.

That's not good.

Sane people can make thoughtful decisions. Thoughtful decisions are logical decisions, which we can plan for. Once someone loses their sanity, it makes things a bit... harder to deal with, to say the least. This is why we need to figure out what her real plan is, and fast. We don't have time to wait it out anymore. Not only do we need to know her plan, but we also need our own. I talked to Zander about this, and he reluctantly agreed. He seemed a bit annoyed we couldn't follow his plan anymore, but generally, it was okay. We came up with a way to get this done as quickly as possible. We had to spy on Stacy.

Simple, yet risky. We already found out some crucial information. First off, as I already said, she seems to be acting a bit strange. Along with that, she's been acting sort of secretive. Stacy is generally a pretty popular girl, and I've barely seen her with her friends this week. Each day less and less. On top of all this information, we've encountered another issue. A much, much, bigger issue.

Stacy has gained an accomplice.

As I mentioned, she's spent little to no time with her friends this week. Each day the time she spent with them started to swap to time with someone else. Someone who has the ability to jeopardize everything we're working for.

That someone,

is Keith.

-Luke P.





I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Here's our new character! Keith is a fan-made character made by Astri (@Oceanangst). He has shown up in several of her stories that I definitely suggest checking out! She's super talented, and it also will help you get a better feel of this character (though it's not necessary in terms of reading this). The next chapter should be up relatively soon.

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