
171 9 0

October 1

Zander has been acting sort of odd today. Nothing too bad, though. He seems sort of clingy, which is normal for him, but it's almost in a different way. He seems overly protective in a sense, which I don't mind (it's honestly kind of adorable), but he only acts like this when something is wrong. I hope Stacy didn't get to his head the other day. She did seem to make him pretty upset.

If she did, she'll be wishing she didn't soon enough.

Anyways, the whole day Zander seemed like he was planning something. You could almost see the thoughts racing through his mind. He seemed so focused, that I tried not to bother him. I didn't want to block his thought process. I really hope I find out what he's thinking soon, though. I hate it when we keep secrets from each other. All secrets really do is tear people apart, and I can't let that happen with Zander and me. I just want to help him however I can. I'd do anything for him.


I just can't stand seeing him hurt. Plus, when he's hurt, others always end up hurt too. I don't understand why people try picking on him. He's quite a bit stronger than one may think. Both physically, and mentally. He always gets portrayed as petite and fragile, when that's really not the case at all. He likes to joke that people only say that because I'm a beanstalk and I'm always with him, making him seem smaller. We both see it as a good thing though, as it gives quite a shock when the "freak" you try bullying hurts you twice as much in one hit. Plus his boyfriend is there as back up of course. They usually don't come back after that for quite a while. Zander almost always gets the last laugh.


There's only one person I can think of that this doesn't apply to. The only person I truly hate. The only person Zander hasn't been able to outsmart yet. I honestly can't believe I didn't mention them sooner. I guess I've just been so busy I forgot about-

Oh sorry, Zander just said he has to talk to me. I'll tell you later.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm so sorry for not updating this in so long, I kept forgetting that I post on here too. Who do you think Luke was talking about at the end? What does Zander need to talk about? This time, I swear, the next chapter should be up relatively soon.

{Important Update:}

So I just realized there's actually a chapter that I forgot, which will probably be the next one that I upload. The chapter is from Luke's POV, and it was supposed to come right before the chapter Chess. I'll put up a notice when I add it in.

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