A New Perspective

204 9 5

1 October

I need a plan.

There's something off about that girl. She seems to be the kind of girl that would go and cry over spilt milk. It's a cover though. I see who she really is. When Stacy came over to me yesterday, there was some sort of spark in her eyes.


And not the good kind.

She's planning something. That witch is planning something. Not to worry, as always, I'll handle everything. She's not the only one who can put up an act. I just need to figure out what she's scheming. Will she attempt to do something to me? To Luke? To my friends? How is she going to go about her plan? Will she get other's help? I'll have to investigate.

Normally, I prefer not to spy on people, but this time it's different. Luke could be in danger this time. Besides, it's not like I'll feel guilty about it. Did Stacy really think I didn't notice her following me? I'm not that dull. I had been keeping an eye on her too, just not as much. Now it's time to go full force.

She's asking for this.

I'll have to think about this for a while. What would Luke think? What are my limits? I can't ruin anything between the two of us. I love him too much for that. So what do I do?

I think I have to tell him what I'm thinking. I need to be honest with him. If he doesn't want me to interfere in that way, then I won't. I don't think I'll have to worry about that though. I could be wrong, but sometimes when Luke gets mad I swear  I see that same spark in his eyes. The one I have. The one Stacy has. Maybe not though. I do fantasize about him a lot, so the glimmer could have just been that I guess. Who knows? Either way, I'll figure something out.

All she's doing is playing games. That's how life is. Just one big game of chess.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love chess?

This should be an interesting year.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter! These kinds of chapters (not in Luke or Stacy's POV) are considered bonus entries in a sense, and won't be as frequent as the main entries, so they usually contain important information. What are your thoughts on Zander's approach? I love how he just casually brings up fantasizing about his boyfriend (in a wholesome way). The next chapter should be up relatively soon.

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