Playtime and Accidental Success

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After the Debriefing, the fence opens and everyone walks outside.

Peek: So what's next?

Butch: You heard her boys, Focus on the mission. Peek, full spread scans every 20 minutes. Doubling down on security after two Consecutive raids.

Peek: Roger that!

Butch: Sam, trim your bangs.

Sam: Sorry...

Butch: Yakko, you and your siblings will keep monitoring our progress and report on it, and help us tell if the family leaves.

Yakko: You got it!

Wakko: Yes sir!

Dot: Right away!

Butch: And kid (Lou), Keep up the good work. I know I don't have to remind you to stay away from the boy. Just keep your eye on the ball.

Lou: Okay... good advice I guess. Yeah. Good talk. Really good talk.

Yakko: Come Lou. You can have fun with him if you want. It's your kid, after all.

Lou: You're right. Ivy's right. I should take the chance while I've got it and not waste it.

Back to where we left off... Scotty had placed the ball in front of Lou 

Scotty: Come on Lou! Where's the ball? Lou, Come on, bring me the ball, Lou! Hey! Hey! Come on, bring me the Ball! Come on! Over here! Where's the ball? (Lou checks the fence, no one's watching) Come on, Come on, Lou. Bring me the ball, Lou! 

Yakko: It's just us here, Lou. Don't be shy. 

Wakko: Yeah! So let's play! 

Dot: Come on, boy! 

Lou smiles and barks as they start playing like good friends should. They laugh, frolic, and play like a boy and a puppy outside on this lovely Summer day. Lou chases for the ball as Scotty does his moves, and Lou attempts to dispossess him. 

Lou hops over a bush as he runs through the garden. Lou finds Scotty and he laughs as Lou happily barks, Scotty and the Warners lovingly pet him.

Scotty: Okay... How do you always know how to find me? Go on, you can tell me. Let's hear it! Ruff-Ruff! 

Lou barks. 

Scotty: Aww, Belly rub! (he rubs Lou's belly) 

The warners and Scotty laugh as Lou licks them. It was a very fun time indeed. They played and rested together all day. 

Scotty: We'll race you across the yard! 

Wakko laughs as Lou barks and they run into the house. 

Scotty: What's the matter? Too slow? (running upstairs, laughing 

Yakko: (singsong) You can't catch us! Hahaha! 

Lou comes up as Scotty does some moves

Scotty: Come on, try and get it! 

Wakko: This is fun!

As Professor Brody opens his lab and walks out for a while, quite by accident, Scotty throws the Soccer ball the wrong way, and it bounces into his father's lab. 

Scotty: Whoa! Oh no! 

Yakko: Uh-oh... 

Wakko: Oh gee... 

Dot: That's not good... 

Quickly, the Warners, Scotty, and Lou race down the stairs to get the ball and hopefully retrieve it before it damaged anything in that lab. The ball bounced off one of the stairs and landed on a shelf of chemicals.

Scotty: Whoa...

The soccer ball keeps rolling on top of the beakers and stuff. 

Dot: Uh-oh... 

Luckily for everyone, the ball stops at the edge. Scotty breathes a sigh of relief, but the relief was short-lived as the ball rolled again. Lou noticed it as it clanked and bounced off two more shelves. 

He barked and went after the ball. 

Scotty: No, Lou! 

What happened next, no one knows to this day. Lou hit that fated soccer ball,  straight into the Professor's research and chemicals he kept trying to perfect the formula for Dog Allergies! 

Scotty and the Warners could only watch in horror as Chemicals spilled everywhere! Scotty picked up his ball as Professor Brody came downstairs to inspect what all the commotion was about. 

Warners: Uh oh...

Scotty: Dad... 

Prof. Brody: My work... all of it...

Scotty: It-it was an accident! We were playing with the dog... the-the door was open! And then I was just playing... 

Wakko: We didn't mean to! Really! 

Scotty: We're so sorry, Dad... 

Prof. Brody: I think... maybe... you should just go to school. 

Words were not enough to describe the Professor's state, as everything was ruined by a single accident with a soccer ball. Lou knew it was all his fault. "Butch is gonna kill me," he thought. 

As Scotty and the Warners left, dejected, Professor Brody observed his lost research, or so it seemed, for, on Serum Sample 1549, the machine beeped and said... 

Machine: Positive. Pro-Reactive. Molecular Structure Resolved. Allergy Formula Complete. 

Wakko heard it as well. 

The Professor quickly put on a mask, cleared a space, picked up Lou, and then injected the formula into his arm. He used a special hose to smell him in different regions of his fur. He took off his mask and put his glasses back on. He looked at his hands. No side effects at all. 

He took Lou outside and was very happy. 

Prof. Brody: I did it... we did it! 

Wakko: He did it!

Yakko: He did it! The Allergy to get rid of Dog Allergies for good is done! 

Dot: Hooray! 

Professor Brody: We did it! 

The professor, who was no longer allergic, kissed Lou, whose actions presented a long-awaited breakthrough solution... quite by accident, you might say. 

Yakko: This calls for a celebration! 

Wakko: Yep! We've helped everyone achieve their goal but by accident! 

Dot: I know! I reckon our work here is done! 

As the Warners celebrated with a Pizza party, Professor Brody called a Veterinarian friend of his that he had a connection to with the case for finding a cure for Dog Allergies. However, no one knew that this success was about to activate part of a bigger plot... A feline plot to take over the world! 

But before I can tell you that story... Oh. Okay, I guess. I will tell you That story after all. Besides, what's a spy movie without a... Oh, I don't know... a Cliffhanger leading straight into a climax?

Yeah. I thought so as well, my friends. 

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