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CASHAY was smiling and in a good mood when she entered inside her pad. Her grandmother Theresse's steady and sophisticated voice echoed as soon as she entered.

"I don't understand why you're still here in this ant's house, Cashay. Maybe the reason why I always dream of your mother is because she can't forgive me for letting you live in this kind of home when all you have to do is ask and I'll ready the condo unit in Pacific Plaza that I gave you years ago. Or if not, the one in The Fort, or the house in Green Meadows, but this, hija..."

Instead of taking offense, she smiled and ran to her grandmother who hadn't visited her for so long she forgot that her grandma still had  a key to her unit.

"Oh, my very beautiful and sexy grandma..." she hugged her grandma tightly and kissed her. on the cheeks. "Oh, I missed these rants of yours."

Her grandma was already smiling when they loosened up the hug. She then looked for her grandpa Gilbert who is surely with her grandma. They always come together when visiting her. She's a grandpa's girl and whenever they're in Manila, her grandpa never forgets to visit or treat her to dinner.

"Where have you been? Why are you here in Manila?" She hugged her grandpa and kissed his cheek. She really missed her grand parents.

Although they don't see each other very often, they always call her if she doesn't call. Although lately, they haven't heard from each other as often because she was very busy. And the last time she heard from them, they were going to the states.

"We just arrived from Cali, Cash. Anyways, what is it about the rumor we heard that you and Cinco have split?" Her grandma asked.

"Grandma... whoever told you?" She asked. It's been three months since she and Cinco mutually decided to split.

"Everyone." Her grandma said, one eyebrow raised.

"We visited Cinco's grandpa Wallace in America. They said they were coming home here with his wife Margaret this month so we could all talk about your wedding. We just decided to come home sooner because we have to settle something for the farm. Imagine our surprise when we learned that you two have split." His grandpa Gilbert's long narrative.

"Grandpa, Cinco and I are fine. We haven't seen each other in a while but we're good."

"What do you mean you're good? That Cinco is busy with that actress and your attention is all over that Jeremy?" Her grandma asked with so much sarcasm.

She pouted in dismay. "Wow! Your spy is good. I think I already know who that is."

"Of course, it was Kyra who told us. I guess it's a good thing that that cousin of yours is so envious of you that she started talking as soon as she picked us and your uncle Melvin up in the airport. We were supposed to be resting now, instead we had to go straight here."

Her grandpa ignored her grandma's lengthy monologue and faced her. "Tell me, Cashay, hija, what happened?"

"We're not okay, grandpa. Unlike before, we now have different priorities now, and perhaps, we've outgrown each other. He doesn't want the same thing anymore, and neither do I."

"But if you really love each other, aren't you supposed to find a solution? That's how you were before, right? Otherwise you wouldn't have lasted seven years."

She shook her head upon hearing what her grandpa said. She remembered, she used to say that line when she and Cinco get to the edge of their relationship. Funny, that same sentiments are now being thrown at her. "That was before, grandpa. When we still loved each, that's not the case now."

"Tell me, this Jeremy, is he your boyfriend now? So soon?"

"No, grandpa. We're taking the time to get to know each other. We haven't even kissed yet. I just got out of a seven-year old relationship, grandpa. Imagine how tiring that is."

Refusing To Marry CincoWhere stories live. Discover now