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AFTER TWO weeks, they began to consider using the inflatable raft in the yacht to get out of there. They were running out of supplies and they were already rationing their food and water. Although Cinco did not stop working on the engine, it still hasn't worked.

To make matters worse, the situation is so difficult for Cashay, especially that Cinco is still being so nice and considerate of her. She cries every night out of frustration and regret for letting him go.

After that day, they didn't talk about themselves anymore. She avoided the topic and he, too, didn't bother bringing it up. She almost couldn't care less that the food is running out, she has lost her appetite anyway. She's getting depressed with the fact that she's with him but she can't have him.

That night, he was fixing the generator that also got broken during the storm because they lost electricity. He was patiently fixing it even if the the night was getting late and with only flashlight as his guiding light.

She lied on the bed feeling so weak. Even if she knows he's still awake, he allowed her tears to fall which was the only way for her to breathe.

"Why are you crying?"

She was stunned when she heard his voice. He was too close to the bed. She didn't even notice him coming into the room.

She quickly wiped her tears and sat on the bed. "Huh?"

"You've been crying every night for a week now. You're crying as if you're in a death roll and will be executed in the morning. Are you really that desperate and scared that we won't get out of here."

She didn't respond. She just looked at him with sad eyes and then looked down again. In her case, getting out of the open sea alive was becoming the least of her concern. She was playing with her nails as if something was stuck there.

"Or is it about something else?"

"I regret everything, Cinco." She couldn't help herself anymore. She needed it out of her chest otherwise she would explode. "Im so... frustrated and I really regret that I took your love for granted before. I thought you were the one who lacked in the relationship. But I realized it was me who started it all. If I could only bring back the time when I was the one in your heart, I will. I want you back, but I also know it's no longer possible because you have moved on from me already. And you also have a beautiful woman that you really like waiting for you. I know I couldn't get in the way of that."

He just stood there with sympathetic eyes. He didn't speak a word.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry that you have to hear this. I know I sound stupid."

"Oh, Cash." He sat beside her and held her by the shoulder.

He hugged him and cried on his chest. He patted and rubbed her back to calm her down but it made her cry even more because that's the only thing he can offer to her—a shoulder to cry on.

She bet that even if Shannon is not in the picture, it wouldn't make any difference. Cinco won't still let her in in his heart again. She has no place in his heart anymore. She had vacated the place a long, long time ago.

She just cried and cried. Her head ached because of it, but she really couldn't stop crying. She was still sobbing when Cinco's body hardened and suddenly got tensed.

"Did you hear that?" He asked.


"I heard a noise, it sounded like a horn from a ship. Come on!" He slowly let go of her, and immediately stood up to get the flare gun.

She followed him to the deck. That's when she started hearing the faint sound he was talking about but, they couldn't see a light from any raft anywhere.

Refusing To Marry CincoWhere stories live. Discover now