Chapter Two: The Sorcerous Festival

Start from the beginning

Ainz was considered to be both the smartest and wisest being in the entire world, perhaps even beyond that. Many in the New World saw him as nothing short of divine, considering that he was an Undead Overlord who could summon both monstrosities and Angels with a flick of his pinky finger. The only people that refused to see him in such a light were -of course- the Slane Theocracy, but many of the Elves he'd saved from their acts of slavery were quick to remind the country that their so-called 'Gods' had been killed centuries ago, whilst also allowing them to commit heinous acts of sin in their name.

To them, he was the greatest man to ever exist. Someone they could never hope to match in both mind and strength, and should be revered for years to come. They could only theorise the hundreds of plans, strategies and articulate designs that coursed through his immortal mindscape....

(~~Meanwhile, With Ainz~~)

To say that Ainz was nervous would be a drastic understatement; the Overlord was freaking the fuck out! Every little detail that had any chances of going wrong, he would immediately blow it completely out of proportion and treat it as though it meant the end of his Empire. Meanwhile, Zesshi was sitting in a throne next to him with a small grin plastered across her beautiful face, enjoying the moment of anxiety from her husband. After all, it wasn't everyday one could witness the total breakdown of such a calm, collected being.

Ainz: "Does my cloak look alright? Are there any creases Should I use my magic to summon a different one?"

Zesshi: "Honey, calm down. You look lovely."

Ainz:  "Really? Are you sure there's nothing that needs altered in any way?"

The Half-Elf released a heart-warming giggle from her pristine lips before leaning towards her husband, placing a soft kiss upon his fleshless cheekbone. Ainz stared at his wife in shock, a mysterious hue overtaking his face, before leaning into her touch and resting his large form against hers. Zesshi caressed the man's face with her hand before offering him some words of comfort.

Zesshi: "Ainz, you're the greatest man I've ever known - or ever will. These people love you, so stop worrying about your attire."

Ainz: "I...*Sigh*...Of course, darling."

The Supreme King shifted his red orbs towards the outside of the carriage, taking in the abundance of people that chanted his name, before feeling a strange weight upon his right hand. Glancing down towards his side, he noticed Zesshi grasping his fleshless claw in an attempt to offer support for the Skeletal god. Ainz released a satisfied breath as he leaned into his wife's small form, as if on the verge of falling into a deep slumber. In response, Zesshi allowed another giggle to protrude form her throat before she closed her eyes, purely contempt in staying beside the love of her life.

However, just as they were starting to get comfortable, they began to hear screaming outside their carriage. Both rulers immediately sat up and gazed towards the curtains, taking immediate notice of the flickering light that swerved into a mixture of red, yellow and orange. The Supreme King clutched the arms of his chair as the visage of [Death Knights] ran through the capital, apparently trying to deal with some unforeseen event that was currently taking place outside their carriage.

Becoming ever more fearful for the state of his civilians, Ainz stood from his seat and rushed towards one of the crimson curtains that concealed the outside world from his view. With a single clawed hand, the Overlord lifted the cloth above his head and immediately inspected the surrounding area, only to be met with the sight of flames and people screaming as they rushed towards the inner sanctum of the kingdom. Ainz shot his gaze towards the front entrance to the walls and noticed the abundance of smoke that pushed through towards the rest of his kingdom.

The Emperor used his magic to sense past the smog, his eyes gleaming a myriad of colours. However, he released a loud gasp of shock upon realising that behind the wall of black was an entire legion of soldiers with swords, shield and spears who were preparing to siege the capital of his empire. It wasn't difficult for Ainz to utilise his MP reserve and identify these Humans as members of the Baharuth Empire, something which confused the Overlord immensely; he'd always assumed his kingdom was on good terms with Jircniv, but it seemed he was greatly mistaken.

It had become painfully clear to the Skeletal Lich that the Baharuth Emperor never respected Ainz in the slightest, considering that he was now attacking his own land whilst trying to slaughter his citizens. That last thought was enough to shift Ainz' emotions from bemusement to pure, uncontainable rage; how dare that insect bring such devastation to his people, especially during a month of such notorious celebration!

Nevertheless, the fleshless monarch knew what he must do next. Shifting his gaze behind him, Ainz came face-to-face with his wife Zesshi, who's face was currently overridden with immense worry. The Overlord reached out to the Half-Elf and clutched her hand within his own, placing a gentle kiss upon her knuckles as a sign of farewell. The woman merely grabbed the Undead and held him tightly in a moment of embrace, her skinny arms wrapping around his draped form with immense love and adoration. Through her moment of vulnerability, Zesshi finally found the words to speak.

Zesshi: " careful, Ainz."

Ainz: "I promise I'll come back, once I drive these bastards off my land."

Zesshi nodded solemnly before finally letting go of Ainz' cloak, and allowing her beloved to fly into the distance with his Undead legion to face the Baharuth Empire. She watched helplessly as the towering physique of her husband faded into the tar-like mist that enveloped the lower regions of the Nazarick Capital, concealing the soldiers that awaited on the other side. Zesshi could heard the clashing of swords, as well as the horrified screaming of ignorant Humans who thought themselves strong enough to challenge her Ainz in battle.

Eventually, one of Nazarick's Humanoid soldiers rushed towards the Empress with a worried expression, taking her arm and leading her away from the carnage taking place at the walls of the kingdom. The man appeared to be some mixture between a wolf and Human, a thick layer of black fur concealing his skin and mixing with his hair.

Soldier: "Your Majesty, my forces have been ordered by Lord Ainz to escort you back to your chambers! Please, follow us!"

The Half-Elf said nothing as she was slowly lead away from the lower levels of the kingdom, being taken back to her and Ainz' home. She knew her husband would win, that was an absolute certainty, but she still couldn't remove this sickening feeling from the very pits of her stomach; why did she feel as though something would go wrong, and that Jircniv was planning something truly wicked with their kingdom? Only time would tell if these strange feelings would bare fruit, but until then she must focus on surviving this attack and regrouping with her beloved once everything had settled.

She could only pray that Ainz would come home safely....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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