【CHAPT  21】

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Once again I find myself wondering if it is humanity's fate to destroy themselves.

In addition, I only moved to Brooklyn recently and I'm afraid I might have to move again soon. I've gone a while without using my powers, and I'm not sure I'll be able to prevent myself from using them if I see more destruction.

Besides, I was just getting used to it around here. Most of the men are gentlemen and treat their ladies right, which is always a nice sight. A few of them have tried it with me, I've just never been interested. The idea of outliving my partner scares me, if I'm honest.

Imagine having to see the person you love die and knowing there's nothing you can do to stop it.

With that in mind, I've always turned them down. That doesn't mean I haven't had my fun, been on dates here and there. It's fun to see a glimpse of what mortal life is like, comparing it to everything I've seen prior. It's a pro of being immortal, I suppose.

Conditions for this war are a little better than the first of its kind, I guess that's something. But that doesn't mean it's better. What better would be is if humans would finally just recognise their differences and move on, discover that they have bigger threats than each other.

I push these thoughts from my mind as I push open the door to the local diner, hearing the little ping of the bell as the door closes behind me.

The woman behind the counter grins at me, pulling her red lips back as I offer a smile in return. The reason I come here so often is because, to contrast against the others, the staff here are the nicest humans I've ever met, and I've met many.

Another bonus is the woman sat across from me in the booth, her naturally curly hair framing her face.

She puts her lips around her straw and sips her milkshake, creating a weird noise as she gets to the bottom of it.

It makes us laugh, and I rarely feel like this. A feeling to just let loose and be whoever the hell I want to be, laugh at whatever I want to, without anyone holding me down.

'Have you talked to Ajak recently?' She signs at me.

I shake my head and swallow down my drink, 'No. I'm not sure if I should, Makkari.'

Makkari looks disheartened before she tries again, 'Maybe you should just ask her how she is. One chat may change your perception of her.'

'The only thing she thought of me was that I was too out of control to use my powers.' I sign, seeing a waitress glance between the pair of us, 'I don't know how you expect me to-'

"Excuse me," the redhead waitress I've never seen before cuts in, "We're in America."

I look at her with furrowed brows.

She looks at me like I'm stupid, "We speak English here."

Makkari obviously doesn't know what's going on, but can sense the atmosphere as I go to get out of my seat.

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