【CHAPT 20】

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I phase in and out of consciousness over the next however long. Each time I open my eyes, my body tells me to close them again and rest more. Is that my own thought, or someone else's?

I remember this experience from last time, and every time before it.

You may think it's the act of being possessed that harms you the most, but it's actually the recovery.

The having to come to terms with what your own hands did, what you did. The people you have to apologise to, the things you have to do to prove you're more than whatever is infecting your mind.

This time I try and open my eyes, it's different. My mind has healed enough to allow me to wake, my eyes shooting open at the sudden realisation.

There's a warmth beside me, something weighing down my arm and refusing to let it move.

As my vision finally clears, I see the animal sprawled across my arm, chest slowly going up and down.

The sight makes me smile, leaning my hand out, "Hello, Pip. . ."

My hand must disturb her sleep, but she doesn't mind as she gets onto her legs and tries walking across my chest, licking my cheek as I try and push her away.

I finally grab ahold of her and keep her at bay, scratching the spot behind her ears she likes so much.

As I sit up in a bed I've been placed in, I sigh heavily, watching Pip's reaction to the air across her fur, "What did I do, Baby?"

"You know for a fact it wasn't you."

I don't think my head has ever turned around faster, looking around the dark room until my eyes settle upon a seat in the corner, a body occupying it.

Even though the dark shrouds most of his face, his accent gave him away.

I don't know what to say. Do I say anything at all?

I decide against it and keep my focus on Pip, tilting my head in the same manner she does.

"Pip, huh?" He asks, pushing himself out of the chair.

As he steps closer, his features become more detailed and I notice the trench-coat he used to wear all the time is gone, leaving a grey tank behind.

"Sounds familiar." He smiles and I wish he wouldn't. His smile brings back familiarity I don't want.

I glance at him warily, scanning his face for any signs of remembrance, and there's a glint in his eyes that tells me he does recognise the name, and not from reading my thoughts.

"Nova, look-"

"Druig." I cut him off, finally looking at him fully.

He's remained as handsome as he was, unfortunately.

"Whatever you're going to apologise for, I don't want to hear it." I confess, my voice pathetically quiet, "I have bigger things on my mind."

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