【CHAPT 16】

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"But that wasn't actually the last time you saw him," Thena suspects, playing with my hair with my head in her lap, "Was it?"

"Did you ever think of becoming a detective, Thena?" I sniffle, smiling through my tears, "Because you're really good at predicting things."

She clicks her tongue, "I may have tried it out once or twice."

I exhale softly, staring at the ceiling and the small amount of light creeping in through the window, hinting the start of a new day.

"Tell me what happened, Nova." She says softly, her hands being ever so gentle with my hair.

I sigh.


It happened again. But this time it's much, much worse.

Humans fell out again, and not like they used to. This war is countries against each other, whole armies joining together for the fight.

I came to South America to get away from it. I couldn't bear the sight of the violence in England anymore, so I left.

I hiked for a few months along with some very nice Brazilians, but I guess after a certain point they all got tired.

Did I get tired too? Of course I did. But I needed to keep going.

I have no clue where I'm headed, and I have no clue when I'll stop. But this hike is a punishment, to hopefully reform me and make me a better person.

I stopped using my powers about a hundred years ago, and that occurrence was only to shield off a lion in Africa. It was a do-or-die situation, unfortunately.

It's safe to say I've travelled around the world these past three hundred years, and so far there's only a small amount of places I haven't been. A girl can travel when given immortality.

Unlike Thena.

The poor woman lives in Australia with Gilgamesh, isolated from every form of human life to make sure she can't harm any. I miss the both of them, and she's one of the main reasons I don't use my abilities anymore.

Thena brought me back from my episodes, without her, I would've been lost a long time ago. But by not doing what causes the episodes, I've reduced that chance of risk to zero. I like it that way.

I feel like I've been hiking in this same forest for weeks, I suppose it's pretty big. I'm trying to visit every inch of it to see the difference in the animal life and ecosystems, and so far it's not failed to impress me. It's absolutely gorgeous.

I always did have a thing for nature, but unfortunately my line of work never let me rest for a long enough amount of time to explore it. But now with the Deviants extinct, it's all I've been doing.

Approaching a very large cliff edge covered in greenery and shrubs, I peer over the edge at the drop.

Unsure of if I could make it, the thought of using my powers crosses my mind.


I can't use them now. I know there are tribes nearby within a few miles that wouldn't like to be disrupted by my episode I'd never come back from. They deserve to live in peace, just like the rest of the world. Well, minus a few countries at the moment.

I swallow down my fear and back away from the edge, gripping my backpack straps to the point where my knuckles turn white.

"It's alright Nova. . ." I reassure myself in a not so reassuring voice, "A large drop never killed an Eternal."

Well, not that I know of. I don't know where half of them reside right now. Thena and Gilgamesh are in Australia, Makkari travels quite a lot to do her business and Sersi and Ikaris have probably fallen out again and are on opposite sides of the world. As for the others, I've no clue as to where they are.

I rush to the edge and push off, feeling the air rush up against my body.

And what I didn't expect was for it to be relaxing, the sense of being free.

That is, until, I smack into the ground with enough force to kill anyone.

"Ow. . ." I mutter to myself, pushing off the ground and looking at the dirt on my hands mixing with the red of my blood, "Great. . ."

"¡Quédate abajo!"

I freeze at the gruff voice, peering up through my eyelashes at the makeshift spear pointed at my face.

I go to push myself up, "Listen, I don't-"

"¡Quédate abajo!" The man repeats, a little harsher this time as the weapon is hit on the back of my head.

"No quiero lastimarte," I say softly, surrendering my hands as I get to my knees, "Solo estoy explorando."

He lifts his head slightly and I peer through the hair that shrouds his face. His mouth opens but he closes it almost robotically, dropping the spear at his side.

I furrow my brows and keep my hands either side of my head, glancing up through my hair just in time to see his eyes flash a mysterious colour. Golden.

The sight of such coloured eyes makes me unable to move, even as the man walks away from me like he has no thoughts. But if I'm right, he does have thoughts. He's just not allowed access.

I don't want to be right. Please tell me I'm wrong. Please tell me I haven't stumbled into an Eternal's habitat.

"Hello, Princess."

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A/N; whoops

hope u enjoyed : )


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