【CHAPT 19】

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As we stroll through the forest in silence, I think back to the moments after Druig left me for a second time.

I had stayed there, frozen in shock at how everything had happened so fast. One minute, he was fessing up how he had felt for centuries, and the next, he was leaving again.

It's like I was purely there to be tormented.

So, I'm sure you can't blame me when I say I hold a grudge. A pretty large one, in fact.

I think back to just a few days ago when I was truly convinced I had heard him in my head, warning me of danger. Although it had surprised me, I can't lie and say it felt unusual. In fact, I felt the most normal I've ever felt when hearing his voice.

But that doesn't mean he hasn't done anything wrong.

"Hey. . ." Thena says softly, falling back to walk at my side, "What's on your mind?"

I let out a heavy breath and focus on where I'm stepping, avoiding patches of nettles, "A lot."

"That's not unusual." She smiles, "Wanna talk?"

"I just. . ." I don't know how to say it, "I forgave him for leaving in Tenochtitlan, barely forgave him for that. And then he left again and. . ."

Thena looks at my side profile, listening to every word I say.

"I'm not sure I'm willing to forgive him again, Thena." I conclude.


Her advice is cut short as the whole group comes to a stop, shrouding my view of what's in front of us.

I walk around to the side to see what they all see, eyes falling upon a village in full motion. The inhabitants scuttle about, working, going in and out of huts with baskets in their hands.

"Is this where we're supposed to be?" Sersi asks, looking at me.

I nod, "Looks familiar."

Kingo strokes some leaves as he walks into the village first, "It's very. . . Green."

I follow him, surprising Thena as I get on with the task instead of dragging it out. If we're going to see him, I might as well get it over and done with.

My fingers are itching to see his face.

"If you're planning on attacking him, I'd prefer you didn't." Ikaris mutters as he follows.

"What's it matter to you?" I ask, not bothering to look at him.

"I'd like Druig in one piece, preferably."

I actually burst out laughing at this point, "Yeah, okay. What's your real reason?"

He looks at me like I'm crazy, but doesn't get a chance to speak before an elderly lady grabs onto his arm, muttering something in Spanish.

"What did she say?" He asks me.

"You've been around for 7000 years and didn't bother to learn another language?" I ask with a scrunched up face, "You're a dick."

He broadens his shoulders as he steps closer to me, "What did she say?"

I flash my eyes to black and he seems to retract a bit, "Wouldn't you like to know."

"I would, that's why I'm asking, Princess."

I can't prevent my eyes turning black now. But unfortunately for me, they don't return to normal.

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I can hear my name but I can't do anything about it. I can think but I cannot control myself. It's like I'm allowed access to my thoughts just so I can be tortured.

I feel every part of the fight that happens between me and Thena. I can see it too. Again, it's torture.

"Come on, Nova." She mutters, barely avoiding a blast of energy, "I know you can hear me."

Kill them.

"Don't listen to it, Nova." She shouts over the continuous blasts streaming from my hands, "You know who I am. You don't want to hurt me."

I know. I don't want to hurt you.

But I can't stop.

"Nova!" She shouts one last time, but it's useless as the blast strikes right beneath her feet, sending her flying back into a tree.

One down.

Stop. Please. . .

I put every ounce of energy I have into coming back. I can't do it.

Kingo attempts next, lighting up his fingers a golden colour, "Nova, don't make me-"

Whatever it is inside of me doesn't want to hear him finish, sending swirls of blackness to surround him until he can no longer see.

Two down.


Hold on-

Even the thing inside my head doesn't process the foreign thought.


And that's when I see him. It's like I'm looking through someone else's eyes, but I see him.

"Come on, Princess." He says, comforting me but taunting the other guy, "I know you're in there."

His face is blurred.

I try again, to overcome my own fragile mind.

And I don't know whether I succeed or fail when everything turns to black.

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A/N; I think nova needs a therapist


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