The encounter

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After that vision my days went on as normally. By now Hari also found out who hurt me and Kai made sure to go through a lawsuit with the Bakugo's for quirk discrimination. Now he isn't allowed to come close to me in a 5 meter range. This was why Bakugo also had to switch schools and my terror ended since everyone was just scared and wanted to avoid the same fate.

Still can't believe that Bakugo changed!

It's definitely not normal!

It's scary seeing him acting nice when we see each other even though he isn't allowed to get closer to me...

How quickly the future can change....

Guess I should know it better than anyone else.

Once school is over I go out with Eri and this time Kai also joins us. This was how we started to play together and visit a lot of different places. I would usually stay with them until my mom finishes work and only come back home half an hour earlier.

The rest of the day me and my mom would watch some series, or a movie. Sometimes we would just sit there like old ladies and talk about everything and anything. It was just fun.

Days passed and I was just happy. In fact, everyone was and this happiness was something I so dearly treasured and wanted to protect.

Today was finally the day we arrived at the park and everything happened as in my vision. We would come here, play together and then I would go to get some ice cream for us. Kai was busy and joining us later today tho I knew that after this day everything would change.

So I was standing there again as I knew what was happening and now I knew why I looked so frozen in place. Everything was spinning and a very short vision started.

It was Eri and a hero with another lilac haired boy. They seemed happy all together like a family. The hero looked like a hobo but I knew who he was.


Why is she with them and not us?!

Did something go wrong?

Boy: Eri, come inside.

Eri: Onichan and big brother are coming over right?

Soo we are still here and we are allowed to meet her in a hero family?!

This is epic!

And I am so happy for her!

She finally get's a real family... not as we are not one but this is the real deal!

Ohh snowflake... you deserve it!

Boy: Yes, Izu and Kai should be here any minute. Now let's go inside.

Hero: *Sigh* I hope my coffee is ready.

That was all I caught before getting pulled back straight into reality by a hand on my shoulder.

Me: Sir. Nighteye, you really shouldn't just grab random people.

I was somehow pissed because I couldn't see the happy scenery. It was beautiful and heartwarmingly.

Nighteye: How do you know who I am without looking back?

Me: Your quirk Foresight is similar to mine, only that I randomly get to see the future in dreams or like a second ago.

It was only now that I turned around and looked at him with a smile on my face. He clearly didn't expected me to say this at all. A future telling quirk isn't something normal after all.

Nighteye: Who are you kid?

Me: Who I am isn't important. But what is important is that you are not believing me. You think I might trick you right?

He just looked me up from head to toe and I knew I was right. Even in my vision I could tell how he looked at me that he didn't believe a word. So I did the only thing I could think off. I had knowledge about the future anyways so why not use it?

Me: Try seeing into my future. You won't see anything but I can show you what I saw.

Nighteye: Why should I believe you.

Me: I am just a kid, you a hero. We are in a supermarket. I don't have weapons at all. So I am not a threat and our meeting was destined to be. Besides you can just give it a try, I don't bite nor am I contagious.

Nighteye: *sigh* And this is why I don't deal with kids.

He took my hand and as expected nothing happened, besides that he was bewildered and looking at me searching for answers.

Me: Would you let me show you something?

A nod coming from him and I immediately showed him out meeting in the future which I saw, then I showed him the outcome of a tragic fate where everyone died, leaving Eri hating the heroes. That was when I pulled us out of there.

Me: You know this is just a future. This doesn't need to be.

Nighteye: What do you mean?

Me: The future is not set in stone.

Nighteye: In my experience it is.

Me: Oh really then let me show you something else.

He let me show him a future we I saw us all living and a hero being in the same room too. We were all alive and happy. This time it was not me pulling us out but the hero himself.

Me: See.

Nighteye: It can't be. Impossible

Me: It is tho. I am the variable that changes the things. Now the question is. Will you let me change it?

Nighteye: What do you have in mind?

Me: Don't go in forcefully. It won't end well. Besides she is happy how she is right now. If you really must take her than knock everyone out at least and don't hurt them. It will only end in a tragedy for both sides. Please consider it.

With these words, I left the hero in the supermarket and got back to my group only to find Kai there.

Kai: Took you long enough to get out. Did the hero do something?

Me: So you saw?

Kai: Yes.

Me: No. I just had something to tell him, but don't worry. Things will change for the better and you shouldn't fight it.

Kai: I won't unless you say so little birdy.

Me: *Sigh* Why can't you stop calling me like that?

Kai: Because you are part of the family and the little one.

Me: Hmpf!

Kai: Hari, isn't my little brother cute when he is angry?

Hari: He's always cute.

Me: I CALL CONSPIRACY! You both are ganging on me! I am going to play with Eri.

Just like that I left them together laughing their asses off.

Did I see Nighteye watching us?


And it was a good thing. He believed that Eri was mistreated and experimented on which she would be if I didn't step in but things changed and not we were a happy family. It took me a year and a little to accomplish it but hey here we are and we all had a bright future ahead of us.

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