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I take the polaroid away from lauren for the hundredth time, "no more lauren. You've taken 10 already." I pout; taking out the picture from the slot. "How about I take one of you?" I hold the camera up to my face, "pose." I demand similar to a photographer. Lauren poses then starts laughing. "It's not funny I'm trying to be a photographer." I growl playfully at her. Lauren holds her lips together tightly trying to stop herself from laughing, but fails to do so. I take the recent pictures from the camera and smile. "These are going on my mirror."
I smile walking over to my full length mirror;that's beside my dresser and stick them in the top corner, "that way when you go on tour I'll have these to remind me of you and maybe one of your sweater." Lauren rolls her eyes at the sweater part then nods and kisses my cheek. "I have to get going now because I have to be on a flight early in the morning," Lauren pouts and throws her bag on her shoulder and kisses my cheek. She leaves; "she forgot her sweater." I whisper to myself then lay down with the sweater.

Okay that was the first of many imagines. I am sure there are more to come. Hopefully.

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