Chapter One

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Bella stood, basking in the hot Phoenix sun, with a small cactus in her hands. A smile broke on her face when she heard her older sister laughing as she walked outside with their mother. Madison grinned at Bella, running over and tossing one of her arms over her shoulders.

"So, Belly, whats with the cactus?"

Bella rolled her eyes at the awful nickname.

"A piece of home," she awkwardly muttered, worried that Madison would laugh at her.

Madison just smiled, before pulling a small vial of sand out of her pocket.

"Same," she giggled.

Bella laughed with her sister, grateful that she had her. She didn't want to know what they would do without each other.

The girls smiled with each other, before Renée walked up to her children, standing between them and holding a shoulder each.

"I'll miss you, my babies," she cried, pulling them into her and kissing their foreheads.

"We'll miss you too, mama," Madison said.

Phil called the girls over, hurrying them into the car. Bella and Madison looked out the window on their drive to the airport, starting at the desert. Madison was excited to leave Phoenix. She never really liked the heat, and the sound of rain always helped her sleep. Especially when she was restless. When the girls pulled up at the airport, Renée's tears grew into sobs as she clenched her baby's between her thin arms.

"I love you girls more than anything," she said to them, once again kissing their foreheads.

Bella and Madison took comfort in their mother's arms, hugging her and each other closer. Renée finally released the two girls, wiping away her tears. She gave her daughters a sad smile, as they said their final goodbyes, hugging Phil as well. Madison waved as she and Bella walked into their terminal, and then boarded their plane. Renée was gone before they even boarded. Bella grabbed a book that Madison didn't care to know the name of, and read for the entire flight, while Madison watched a few episodes of charmed. It was her guilty pleasure.

When their flight was finally over, Madison had to shake Bella's shoulder to take her out of her book world.

"We've landed," Madison grinned, excited to see the woods and their father.

Bella let out a small sigh, obviously upset about being in Seattle, and eventually Forks.

"Hey, chin up. Maybe you'll meet a boy," Madison sang, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

Bella chuckled, shaking her head before the girls left the plane. They hadn't brought any carry-on luggage, just a thick jacket each. Bella and Madison went to the luggage carousel to fetch their items, Madison's luggage very distinguishable with its bright yellow colour and pins. Bella blushed a little when people started at the girl with the yellow suitcase, but Madison didn't care. She just walked away from the carousel and smiled at Bella. After Bella had grabbed her bags as well, Madison practically dragged her to find their father. When Madison spotted the police cruiser, she sprinted over, throwing herself into Charlie.


Madison wrapped her arms and legs around Charlie, hugging him as tight as possible. Charlie let out an awkward noise, not quite used to affection. Bella hadn't been coming to Forks since she was 14, and she was never really one for hugging, and Madison hadn't been able to see Charlie since she was 16 because of volleyball.

"I missed you, dad," Madison laughed, a grin splitting her face.

"I missed you too, pumpkin," Charlie softly smiled.

Charlie released Madison from his arms, the girl almost falling to the ground. Bella gave Charlie a wave and an awkward side hug. Madison giggled at their awkwardness.

"So," Madison started with a clap, "Who's sitting in the back?"

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