~Chapter Thirty Nine: Thank You~

Start from the beginning

Throughout most of the day, the kids along with Midoriya were learning more about the history of how the village came to be, seeing a few trainers working on their quirks, eating some sweets that Sato made which did surprised them a lot, just having a good time together, heck even Bakugou was sort of enjoying himself. Eventually it was time for them to visit Mimi's shrine. All around the kids saw so many flowers that were freshly picked, some candles that were out, a couple of toys, and even some photographs too.

"Mimi," Katsuma said quietly. He slowly went up to the shrine, looked at the photographs that were there and slowly took out the bracelet.

"I made this for you," He began, "It had the red and blue colors on it with a M in the middle, hope you like it." He gently placed it onto the rope, made sure it stayed there, took a couple steps back, and gave a little bow to the shrine. Seeing the shrine right in front of them was still odd for Mina, heck she still believed that she will come back from her scouting mission any moment now with that same old smile on her face and messing with her little horns like when she was a 'little sinker' (one of the many nicknames that both Mimi and Hikari called her). Without even thinking at all, she went a bit closer to the shrine, stood beside Katsuma, kneeled down to his level, and lowered her body to bow to the shrine.

'You know I still miss you,' She thought. 'Everyday, I miss you, I miss your voice, I miss training with you, I miss speaking to you, I just...I just miss you, so, damn, much...'

"Pinky," Her thoughts ended when Katsuma tapped her on her back. She sat up a bit and looked at him.


"Is there a way to say thank you?" Mina was a little confused about what he meant by that.

"What do you mean?" She asked. He then took a deep breath and started explaining to her that his big sister said to him a bit earlier that they should say their thanks to Mimi since she was able to reunite them. For a moment or two, she tried to think of ways to have them say thank you to Mimi, but then she looked at the little letter that was next to the picture of Mimi, young Hado and herself sitting together giving out a peace sign.

"I think I know how you can say thank you to Mimi."

"You do?!!" He was getting a little excited at this point. "How?! How?!"

"Extra papers and pencils you say?" Hado said to Mina.

"Yes," She said. "Katsuma wanted to say thank you to Mimi, but he didn't know if he said it would reach her, so I suggested that both him and Mahoro could write it and place it onto her shrine, so that's why I'm asking you now. Do you think you can give us extra papers and pencils too?"

"I don't see why not," He said to her. That made her smile a bit.

"I know you can come through," She said while nudging his shoulder. Sure enough Hado was able to provide the kids some paper and a couple of colored pencils for them to use and the next thing they know she along with a couple of others were writing out their thanks while also drawing too.

"This is really amazing that you have some papers for them to use," Midoriya said to Hado.

"It's like I said, everyone has permission to write it," Hado said while handing out a couple of envelopes for the kids to put in.

"Midoriya," Katsuma said to him. "Look! Look!" He then saw this little drawing of two figure sticks standing next to each other with some flowers on it and a sun at the corner.

"That looks amazing," Midoriya said while giving him a thumbs up.

"Amazing Man!" Hado added. As he went back to his drawing, Mina came by to see what they had been doing, but when she did, Katsuma spoke up.

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