Chapter 83

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This was requested by thisisactuallycassie

First time Zayn and Liam were little

If you were to flashback to the beginning of the five's relationship after they all had gotten to know each other and were comfortable around one another. Harry and Niall had noticed little quirks about the two submissive's, they looped Louis in on what they noticed and decided they'd wait to say anything. Hoping that maybe Liam or Zayn would say something instead. Of course they never did say anything.
Couple of months had passed since the three older men had introduced the world of bdsm to Zayn and Liam. Harry and Niall decided to talk about what they had initially noticed with the submissive's.
The two submissive's were sitting on the couch when their dominants sat on the table that was directly in front of them.

Harry: "I know that we just talked about and established aspects of bdsm, not that long ago, specifically domination and submission. But there is more that we want to touch base with."

Zayn: "what's that?"

Niall: "Harry and I have noticed some things that you and Liam have been doing. Such as, either knowingly or unknowingly you'll have to tell us, acting younger than your actual ages, showing more of an interest in child targeted toys such as coloring, legos, and other things that you'd normally see a little kid be interested in. To also include the both of you are more inclined to be mischievous or do things you know is either dangerous or that you shouldn't be doing. Just to get attention you wanted whether it's negative or positive."

Liam: "I I don't know what you're talking about." He was visibly embarrassed

Harry: "no need to be embarrassed baby. It is completely fine. Do you two want to know what conclusion we have come to after doing our own research?"

Zayn: "we already know. we thought we were suppressing it. we are littles and we didn't know how you three would react to it, so we never said anything."

Louis: "there is no need for you two to hide it anymore. There was no reason to hide it to begin with."

Liam: "you sure about that? You have yet to witness us as littles, I feel like you'll change your mind once you do." 

Harry: "let us make that determination."

Zayn: "fine."

At that point is when it was decided that the three dominants were going to experience little Zayn and little Liam. 

The following morning Zayn and Liam woke up before their dominants. They decided that if the dominants wanted a full little experience, then that's what they were going to get. The two littles walked down to the kitchen and began making themselves breakfast. Which they managed to do with only a little mess. Just a little spilled milk on the counter top with some added spilled cereal. The two of them walked into the living room with their bowls of cereal, leaving a slight milk trail behind them, where they sat infront of the tv and watched cartoons.
When they both finished eating they went and placed their bowls in the sink, before going back to watch more cartoons.

Around two hours later the three dominants finally woke up and were met with a mess. The littles got bored with cartoons and decided to go search for something to do. Liam and Zayn found some pens and decided to doodle on the table that was in the living room, they weren't able to find any paper. Nor did they really look hard enough, that was entirely way to much work.
When the dominants woke up and came downstairs to the mess, it was then they decided rules needed to be established. They were well aware of how naughty Zayn and Liam could be, but they didn't think they'd need to establish rules the first day of them being little.
Despite how Liam felt during the initial conversation, the three daddies loved when their submissive's were littles.


Haii there!!!

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Todays Question: Favorite Song from Walls album?
My answer: Defenceless or Kill My Mind

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Love all of you


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