Chapter 9: But your love's so sweet

Start from the beginning

It was 4pm by the time they arrived and both women were tired, hungry and in need of a shower.

As they stepped off the plane onto one of the island’s many wooden jetties, they were greeted by smiling staff members who immediately took their luggage and handed them champagne and cool towels.

"Ms Jones and Ms Owens, welcome to the Maldives. Please follow me to the reception area so we can check you in" A warm, friendly voice directed.

They were given room keys, leaflets, information about meal times and activities the resort had on offer and then instructed to board the golf cart that would take them to their room.

The heart of the island was filled with restaurants and lush, thick palm trees that created covered walk ways to shield from the burning sun. The whole complex was interlinked by wooden paths and jetties; the only methods of transportation being bicycles, carts and walking. The Island was only around a mile wide and it wouldn't take more than 30 minutes to walk around the entire place.

The cart drove onto one of the piers that branched out into the ocean and was supported by thick wooden beams. There were only two villas attached to this jetty; both facing the horizon which would give a staggering view of the sun setting.

"We are staying in the ocean?" Wanda said quietly.

"Yes, this is a water villa. Only the best right?"

Wanda smiled, looking slightly overwhelmed.

They entered the room and Wanda gasped.

The brightly lit hallway opened out into a large, airy living space. To the right was a king sized, four poster bed and to the left was a sofa, TV and table. The suite was both spacious and luxurious.

Opposite the bed were floor to ceiling sliding glass doors offering an impressive view of the shimmering lagoon that surrounded them. The outdoor decking included a small infinity pool, two sun loungers, a shower and wooden steps providing them with direct access to the water. Both sides of the deck were closed off, taking nothing away from the view but giving them full privacy.

"This is unbelievable" Wanda muttered.

Natasha had to admit that even she was impressed; it was paradise.

"Have you ever seen something so beautiful?" Wanda asked, gazing at the ocean in awe.

"No, I don't think I have" Natasha replied, staring at Wanda.

"I wonder how much they paid for this"

"Who cares" Natasha shrugged.

"What’s the plan then?"

"First, I'm gonna check the room. Then, how do you feel about showering, eating and sleeping?"

Natasha opened her bag, pulled out the bug detector and began a sweep of the room.

"It’s all clean. Go get showered little witch"

When Wanda left the shower, she found Natasha on the deck sitting with her feet in the pool, eating strawberries and sipping champagne.

"Enjoying yourself?" Wanda asked, amused.

Natasha tilted her head and looked up at her.

"I am actually. They dropped off a welcome basket while you were showering and a room service menu if you fancy staying in tonight?"

"I would prefer it if that's ok with you?"

"Sure, we can go over our plans for the next few days and relax a little. Pick what you want to eat. I’ll shower and then order"

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