Multitasking [Main characters: Eden, Aki, Odd, and Flicker]

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"And... Done!" E.D. Shouted as she slammed the homemade book shut. She sprinted to the server meet-up, and up the waterfall. "UGH! I wish this thing wasn't so difficult." She thought while swimming up. After getting inside of the building, she sat down and waited for Flicker to arrive.

Eden noticed something moving out of the corner of her eye. "HEY! Jazzy, stop biting Goldie! DROP THE ORNAMENT!!" Odd yelled while sitting under the Christmas tree. "OH SHI-" Odd gasped. Eden flinched when she saw a cluster of ornaments fall onto Odd's face and into her axolotl's mouths. "GOLDIE, DROP IT!" The demon-hand-thing dropped the ornament immediately, looking extremely sorry.

"Dude- what is that??" Eden asked from across the room. "What do you mean... OH! Yeah, these are my axolotls! Wanna pet Jazzy? Goldie bites, but Jazzy does too."

"NO- I.. uh.. I mean no thank you." E.D. Stuttered

"Okay!" Odd replied, not surprised. As soon as she said that, the axolotl's jumped from latching onto her hand like demons, to being innocent creatures in a bucket.

"So, what're you doing here?" E.D. Asked. "I was gonna talk to Flicker about owning nations and stuff!" Odd replied confidently. "What are YOU doing here?" She continued, emphasizing the word "you."

"I'm gonna do the idea book exchange for money, you've heard of it, right?" Said Eden. "Oh yes! I think it's kinda boring, not gonna lie." Odd blurted honestly. Suddenly, someone walked in, also carrying a book. No one's ever seen this many people inside of the meet-up at the same time.

"Hi Aki!!!" Odd blurted, startling the poor enderman. "What are YOU doing here!?!?" Odd asked, emphasizing the word "you" again. "GAH- I- Uh.. I'm giving Flicker a book." Aki stuttered, still frightened. "You're doing the book exchange too? Flicker said it was only me." Eden said, muffling her voice with disappointment.

"Woah woah woah, this conversation is going WAY too fast for me to process- and there's a book exchange??" Aki blurted just before Odd was going to talk

"Sorry, so if you don't know about the book exchange, what's that you're holding?" Eden asked

"It's a book about Endermen! Well, how to write in enderman, that is." Aki explained. She opened the book and revealed the sacred language.

It read "How to write 'Hello:' ⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜ ...To say the letter H, you go 'o,' but make the same noise as the actual letter H! For E, you'll say something like 'dd.' When you say the letter L, you go 'ee!' And for O, just go 'ae.'"

"WOAH! That seems hard to say. O- Odee- Od- Odee-ay..?" E.D. Tried. She sounded quite strange, but her pronunciation was okay.

"Correct! Do you want a copy of the book to learn more?" Aki asked, hoping she'd say no

"No thank you." Eden replied,  politely grinning

"So, uh... where's Flicker? They should've been here like 10 minutes ago." Odd chimed into the conversation

"I'm not sure. Should we just wait, or text it? Maybe they ran into trouble on their way here. I'm sure it'll be here soon!" Aki replied frantically, she was very excited to show Flicker what they learned.

"Let's just wait.." Odd replied.

Aki stayed across the room from Odd, so they had to yell. Aki stayed away because Odd had a HUGE bucket of water, and demon axolotls by her side. They were a little afraid of the axolotl's demon hand versions, but when they were normal, she found them very cute. Odd turned on her iPad and started blasting music. (Of course) Eden and Odd had a little controversy about music taste, and Aki just sat on the floor, watching the entertaining chaos unravel.

"PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS ONE!" Eden scooted over to Odd and took her iPad. Of course Jazzy went demon mode and snapped at E.D. "GET YOUR STUPID FISH AWAY FROM ME!" Eden yelled. "It's not my fault!" Odd yelled back.

          Meanwhile, in Flicker's POV:

"Eden! EDEN, WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" Flicker shouted across Beach City. Suddenly, they heard yelling from the Nations meetup and remembered all of the meetings they had scheduled. "FUCK!"

           In the meet room

"I just heard Flicker yell. You hear it too?" Said Aki.

"Yeah I heard it. They must be in Beach City by now." Replied Odd, applying a band-aid she'd received from Flicker onto Eden's ankle. Suddenly, Flicker burst the doors open. "DUDE! It took me a while to get those!" Aki yelped, but Flicker ignored her remark.

           About 2 hours of talking later...

"Okay, so you're saying that you're not going to declare war on CT if I let you claim land as a nation?" Flicker hesitated.

"YES." Odd replied frantically- almost cutting Flicker's sentence off.

"Okay... um, I don't think you're ready to own a nation yet..."

"SHI- I mean uh.. GoSh dArN! WeLl sOrRy I wAsTeD yOuR TiMe, fLicKyyyyy!" Odd expressed.

"Don't call me that." Flicker said uncomfortably. "Okay everyone get the fuck out."

Everybody sprinted out of the broken doorframes, reminding Flicker that it has to pay Aki for the damage. (Aki built the meeting house, yet she doesn't own it.)