Spooky BOOM! [main characters: Flicker and Booberry]

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One day, Flicker and Booberry/Bri were setting up a haunted house. They hadn't been working on it for a while, as they had just started a day ago. Flicker built the house, and Briana decorated it. It had a cobweb maze, lava parkour and a spooky theme! Bri had set up a contraption that triggered a zombie sound, and Flicker built a skull on the roof- yet there were no fireworks. Flicker wanted to add something... exciting, to be precise.

So Flicker put a dispenser at the very end of the haunted house. If you step on the pressure plate, the fireworks would shoot out, causing an "explosion."

Flicker was so excited to add the fireworks, but Booberry knew about their weird bomb obsession, so she hid all of the fireworks. Flicker was sad, but not for long, because they hadn't forgotten about its not-so-secret storage room. (It sounds kinda weird, but the only thing in the storage room was explosives and strangely arson-related items.)

As soon as the haunted house was finished being built, Bri searched every nook and cranny for any explosives, including fireworks. She oddly found none, but didn't seem to care. Booberry told Aki to gather everyone at 8:55, and teleport them all to the haunted house's location by 9:00. What Bri didn't know, was that Flicker installed the fireworks after  her explosive inspection- so while Aki was teleporting people, and while Booberry was setting up spiders and what-not, Flicker was out in the very back, doing it's own thing, y'know? Like setting up unexpected fireworks? The usual.

At the end of the spooky rides, and tricks, Bri passed out candy. Everybody ate their sweets and had a good time. Odd was excited, because she was the only one who knew about Flicker's fireworks, and actually helped them find a good hiding spot. While everyone was talking and hanging out in their costumes, Odd and Flicker had wandered off, and no one seemed to notice. No one but Booberry. She looked for them, but couldn't find them, so she gave up and went back to the party. A few minutes later, Flicker and Odd come back as soon as everybody hears a "sssssss......" kind of noise. 

"HURRY, A CREEPER!" E.D. Yelled, but it was too late.

The sky lit up into a mess- a beautiful mess. The skulls and zombie fireworks were a crowd pleaser, and the purple and orange blasts added a spooky theme to it. Everybody thought it was a fun and beautiful surprise. Everyone but Booberry.

Now, I'm not saying she's a party pooper, I'm saying she didn't want fireworks to take the attention away from the fact that she stole everyone's wallets.