This was not the strong Luna of my hopes and dreams; it was a cosmic joke! The Goddess had to be playing games with me; there was no way this was real. Any second, my real mate was going to step out from behind the boy and everything was going to be all right again. Only she didn't. And it wasn't.

The worst part was that everybody in the pack was here to witness my embarrassment. They could smell my arousal. The members of my pack moved aside until it was just me and Jaxon, facing one another. Jaxon with his beautiful face beaming with joy and happiness, looking right at me as the pack looked on. At that moment, every member of my pack thought that their Alpha, who was supposed to be this strong, dominant leader, was gay. That their Luna was going to be this weak, submissive little Omega. Absolutely not!

Without thinking about it; without giving it a second thought, my anger and frustration got the best of me and I blurted out the first words that came to my mind:

"No! There's no fucking way you're my mate. I, Alpha Pete of White River, reject you, Jaxon Archer as my mate"

The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. Jaxon's face crumbled in shock and he doubled over in agony and pain as the mate bond broke, he fell unconscious to the ground.

Levi was also suffering because of my rejection of the only person in the world who could make us whole and happy. His howling in my mind drove out every rational thought. It was all I could hear; my head was a mess. The pain in my chest from breaking the bond was staggering, making me feel weak and useless myself. Everything that happened next, happened so fast I wasn't even sure what I was doing. I just knew that I was furious and in pain and my head was splitting from Levi's agonized howls.

"Take him to the cells", I ordered two of my warriors, and then I did something even more unthinkable. I used my Alpha voice to order the unmated warriors of the pack to rape the boy.

Jaxon's parents cried out in anger at my words, protesting my orders and struggling to get to Jaxon and free him from the warriors dragging his unconscious body towards the cellars where we kept any prisoners that fell into our hands. They begged me to stop, to let them take him away. Instead, I banished them from the pack, severing their pack link and I gave them thirty minutes to get out of the pack or be killed.

My last words were: "And put him in the chains".

The pack was in chaos, everyone was shocked that I had met my mate and immediately rejected him. There was more shock due to my actions against Jaxon. I ordered everyone to leave and stormed down to the cellars to tell everyone to stop, that I had changed my mind. But the moment I entered, I once again felt that incredible pull, drawing me to Jaxon even though I had rejected him and the mate bond was broken. In the end, I could only stand and watch as my men, one after the other, abused the boy who had been fated to be my mate. 

A part of me was aroused, hell, I had been aroused since the moment I'd caught his scent in the crowd. I wanted to order my men away and take him myself, but Levi wouldn't let me near him. I couldn't move a muscle and so I said nothing, my anger directed at the innocent Jaxon instead. Levi struggled against me for dominance, for control of our body, but I managed to keep him from taking over. If I had let him take control, things might have turned out very different.

That was when I knew that I would never be able to touch him, and that I had made the biggest mistake of my life; there was no way I could undo what had been done here. There was no going back.

What was happening to me? I didn't know, but I realized that I wanted Jaxon near me, even if I couldn't touch him. Along with that realization, I knew that while I couldn't have him myself, I could have him vicariously through others.

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