0.4 | Freshman

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Soon enough we were off the bus and walking to the schools front entrance, i looked up and saw a bee poster painted above the 2 big clear doors

I hate that fucking bee i thought, it seems brew read my thoughts as i starred up at the bee painting and started giggling

I looked at her with a stern gaze, when she looked back at me still giggling a bit i thought i might faint, damn it she's cute i thought

Brew POV

As crimson starred up at the bee painting I remembered when at one of her foot ball games in middle school when the mascot, the bee, threw a foot ball at her head she had a huge bruise on her check for weeks

Her and the mascot also got detention after crimson stole the mascots head

I teased crimson about it often

After walking for a minute we were in a long hallway full of lockers, we rode on the bus that gets here first, so we were some of the first students here

I took a paper out of my pocket and checked my locker number crimson did as well

"I got locker 35" i said looking up at crimson i hate how tall she is, she's 5'11 while I'm 5'7

"I got locker 69" crimson said with a smirk, "HA" i said smirking to "your locker is as horny as you" i said winking at crimson before walking towards lockers 1-40

I was now at my locker, it took a good minute for me to get the damn locker open but finally after some minutes i got it open

I checked the time on my phone 7:30 am it read, good class does not start until 8:30 am so i have a hour to roam the halls with crimson before going to class

I was about to exit the hall for lockers 1-40 when i felt a hand on my shoulder, i turned and saw a guy with dirty blond hair and blue eyes

He had a big smirk on his face, behind him at the lockers i saw some other guys laughing and looking towards us

Immediately i knew what this was "sup, I'm Nathan your brew right?"he asked holding his hand out for me to shake

I looked him up and down before giving in to his hand shake "yeah I'm brew, why?" I asked him

He gave me another smirk before speaking again, in a tone was a flirty, ew

"Oh, i have heard about you, plus i saw you just now and decided to come say hi and maybe get a new number in my phone" he said giving me a wink, i hid my disgust with a blank face

Can this pervert leave me alone, i wanna go talk to crimson I thought

"It's nice of you to say hi but i need to go, I'm looking for my friend" i said trying to walk away when i felt a hand pull on my shoulder

I fell backwards into someone arms, i looked up and saw Nathan he was smirking "guess i can say you just fell for me" he said winking

I pushed my self up and pushed him away from me, i was about to say something to this prick when i felt a pair of arms around my waist

I was about to curse out both of these perverts when i looked up to see who's arms were around my waist and saw crimson

"Hey dude, learn to take a hint" crimson said coldly glaring at Nathan

"HA, and who are you?" Nathan asked crimson returning crimsons glare

"I'm her girlfriend dude so back off" crimsons said tightening her hold on my waist

GIRLFRIEND?!?! I thought yelling at my self in my head

Nathans eyes widened and he was at a lost for words "o-oh, i-i" he stuttered trying to find words before just walking away

Crimson huffed taking my hand and walking away

I was looking at the ground my face was a tomato red, crimsons grip on my wrist told me she was pissed

While i was still thinking about what she called me GIRLFRIEND!?!?, GIRLFRIEND SHE CALLED ME HER GIRLFRIEND, I HAVE KNOWN MY FEELINGS FOR HER FOR A WHILE NOW, BUT GIRLFRIEND AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I was yelling at myself in my thoughts when I realized crimson had lead me to the bathroom and was now looking at my red face

I looked up at her then i looked away, i knew my face was a tomato red I didn't want her to say something

Crimsons pulled my chin gently so i was looking at her, her face was a red color to

I was looking into her eyes, they looked like they were sparking as she looked into mine

We were starring into each others eyes with her hand making sure my chin stayed still so i was looking at her, her eyes slowly traveled looking all over my face then stopping at my lips

My lips were quivering under her strong gaze, i saw her eyes travel to my lips, as she did this my eyes traveled to her lips

She leaned closer tilting my head to the side a bit, our lips were inches away from each other when a loud ringing sounded from crimsons pocket

We both jumped away from each other, crimson took her phone out of her pocket and answered it putting it on speaker

"Hey Alex, what's up?" Crimson said into the phone still looking at me

"OMGOMGOMG, CRIMSON IS BREW WTH YOU?!?" Alex yelled from the other end of the phone

"Y-yes, why?" Crimson said, her gaze leaving me and was now on her phone curiosity sparking in her eyes

"GUYS OMG I GOT 97% ON MY NURSING SCHOOL FINAL, IM GETTING THE NURSE JOB AT THE HOSPITAL" Alex yelled loudly, i could tell she was about to cry from happiness

"Omg! ALEX CONGRATULATIONS" i said into the phone stepping closer to crimson, "yeah, congratulations sis" crimson said after me

"Thank you guys, you guys sound tense everything ok?" Alex asked her voice filling with concern

Me and crimson shared a stare for a few moments before crimson turned back towards her phone "we ummm just had a argument with those girls we tell you stories about, Gina and Jessamine" crimson said


Me and crimson both shared a amused glance before crimson spoke "hahaha, no they just were being rude to some other kids" crimson said in a tone that says 'hurry up I'm busy'

"Damn it, alright I'll leave you too alone now, byeee~" Alex said dragging the 'e'

"Byeeee~" crimson copied Alex before hanging up, she put her phone back in her pocket, but not before checking the time 8:10 am

We stayed in a awkward silence for a few seconds before i broke it "were you about to-" i was cut off by crimson pulling me back to her, she grabbed by chin and peeked my lips before letting go of me and going into a stall to use the bathroom

I stood their frozen, it took every ounce of my strength to not squeal with joy

When crimson came out the stall her face was a tomato red, she was obviously scarred of my reaction after what she did. We stood facing each other our faces red and looking anywhere but at each other

A little bit of confidence showered over me, i looked into crimsons eyes and smirked "do that more often~" i said before winking at her and leaving the bathroom

Their was only one question left on her mind "where do we stand now, best friends? Friends? Friends with benefits? Girlfriends?

Brew didn't know the questions were clouding her mind, that's when she felt someone at her side, she looked and saw crimson

As they walked in silence the bell rung, before she could leave crimsons side crimson whispered into her ear "your right i should do that more often, but probably longer than that" crimson whispered kissing my check before walking away



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