The Story of Sibyl

Start from the beginning

I glanced over at Katianna who seemed to be enjoying every second of this mess.

Finally, the book slowly sank to the ground and the whirlwind of things stopped.

"That was crazy," I stated.

Katianna just looked at me and laughed. "You think that's crazy? You don't even know the half of it." As she said that, she bent over the book and flipped through pages. "You, my child, are the chosen one," she declared

"The chosen one?" I was puzzled. There was no such thing as a 'chosen one' in real life. Then again, I thought there was no such thing as self-flying books either.

Katianna nodded her head. "I picked you when you were just a child and Fate has brought you here to me today," she explained.

"Fate?" I questioned. I never believed in fate.

Again, she nodded. "It has a way of making everything fall into place," she said. "Why don't you take a seat?"

I walked and sat down in front of where she was standing. Then, she handed me the book.

"What do you want me to do with this?" I asked, still confused about fate and the 'chosen one.'

"Read the highlighted part," she demanded.

I failed to see the point, but I did it anyways.

Thousands of years ago, my people were at war with yours. The horrible events of that time are better left unspoken, but from them, three powerful beings-all with different powers of control-rose up. Samson, Aria, and Katianna.

Katianna was destined to inherit the world, but she needed help doing so. Fate brought her to an innocent girl with fire-red hair and the world to give.

"Interesting passage," was all that I could say. I felt a number of things: confusion, fear, anger, and understanding. The worst thing, though, was what I didn't feel.

Hate. And that's what scared me the most.

"I wrote it myself," she bragged. I sat there silently. "Oh darling, don't you have anything to say?"

I shrugged.

"Well, then that just makes it easier for me to explain." She took the chair across from me.

She launched into a story about what I was destined to do. I was going to become a ruler. I was going to take down everyone that had ever done me wrong. I was going to make it known to every living thing that I was the boss. My young age and good looks would make it easier for people to wrongfully trust me. And the fact that I felt no love meant that I would feel no regret.

"How does that sound?" She asked.

Everything in my body screamed at me to run. To tell her she was crazy. To go back to my home country and leave all this behind. 

But my mouth didn't quite catch the memo.

"Let's do it."

She grinned from ear to ear. Except, it wasn't a friendly grin, nor a happy one. It was sinister and full of a hunger for power. "Perfect," she purred.

Then, she grabbed my hand and lead me to my Fate.


Years later:

Katianna ushered me towards the microphone. As the new leader, the whole would would be listening to my speech.

I took a deep breath and began.

"Earth was in chaos after North Korea finally snapped and attacked the United States. Then the allies went and attack North Korea. What happened next couldn't have been predicted.

"No land was safe. Every country was under attack. It wasn't long before famine, disease, and drought followed. Brothers slaughtered brothers as sacrifices. Mothers killed their young for the water in the blood. Nearly a quarter of the world's population was plagued with the sickness that we only assume was released by the three major governments.

"After all of that, there was nothing left. Everything and nearly everyone was destroyed. But what I'm here to tell you, is that a new life can be brought up. Listen to me. Follow me. And I will guide you into something that our ancestors only dreamed about!"

The crowd roared with enthusiasm. Everyone was clapping and chanting my name.

Katianna emerged from behind the stage. This was the point in my speech where I would hand it off to her.

At the sight of Katianna, the people settled down. They knew that if they were too rowdy, she would use her power to calm them down. When she used her power, it was rarely a good thing.

"Hello my Kallians," she greeted. Kallians were what we called our followers. "Today is the last day to register. Anyone who does not register will be put into the hands of Lord Aria and Lord Samson. Whatever happens after that is none of my concern."

The people are registering everything they own, their jobs, their families, and every part of their life. If the don't, Katianna finds them and sends them to the last of the Outliers. Aria and Samson are second in command to Katianna and me and whenever they get a dose of power, they use it to the extreme. It is every human's nightmare to end up with them.

There was a commotion in the crowd of people. My stomach instantly churned. I knew what happened when someone disturbed the peace.

"What's going on!?" Katianna barked in the dictator way that frightened children and grown men.

The sea of people parted to reveal one angry girl.

A girl who looked strikingly similar to me.

"You can't do this!" That girl declared.

I caught my breath. She yelled at Katianna. This was not going to end well for her.

"You," Katianna growled, "I thought I was clear when I told you to stay away."

The girl marched her way up to the front of the crowd. Horrified whispers were released in waves as everyone realized what was happening.

"I cannot sit back and watch you brain wash these people."

Katianna let out a hearty laugh and then sneered at the brave soul. "I have done nothing wrong."

"I know who you are and I know what you're doing. And I will stop you," the girl replied, seemingly unfazed by the harshness of my partner's voice.

Katianna didn't respond to her. Instead, she called for the guards to take the one who had stood up to her away. The second that one touched her, they fell to the ground dead. That didn't stop the others, though, who lunged for her. Not one of them made it out alive.

"What on Earth!?" Katianna screamed, upset that her plan had failed.

The girl just smirked. "Did you really think you guys were the only ones with powers?"


I HATE doing this to my beautiful readers, but the story of Sibyl was just too long to be put in one chapter. Hence the reason I had to skip two years. Well, nothing happened the two years anyways but a war that was summed up in Sibyl's speech.

I want some feedback on this amazing part 1 finale :) What did you guys think? Comment:)

Part two will be coming your way soon!




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