They walked over to Nesha who dozed under a tree. At their approach Nesha rose slowly and stretched his limbs in a distinctly cat like manner.

'Yes, friend?' Nesha studied the small female that his friend held. 'Good choice, I like that one.' Nesha gave a purr of satisfaction.

Daron blushed and dropped Sian's hand, feigning a sudden itch on his arm.

'Cut it out,' Daron growled at Nesha, 'I brought her over to show how the saddle works.'

Nesha gave him a smug look then showed the image of his face when Sian had smiled at him.

Daron gulped. I'll just ignore that, he thought and turned to Sian. 'The saddle has two loops for the hind legs and two straps for the front with a joining chest strap. This way Nesha can flap his wings without any interference.' Stepping back he pulled Sian with him then gestured to Nesha who slowly extended his huge dark tan wings. When he moved them up and down they caught the light, showcasing a beautiful blue color within.

Sian watched the movement, her head to the side while she considered it. 'Wouldn't the saddle hinder the muscles in his back when he uses his wings?'

Daron had Nesha pull his wings back in and then led her forward to look. 'No, the saddle's a narrow design and actually lifts off Nesha's spine so the weight is carried just behind the wing muscles. This way, it's very comfortable for him, even if another rides with me or we have lots of gear.'

SIAN LISTENED WHILE Daron enthusiastically showed her Nesha's saddle. He has such an open smile, she thought, it just makes me want to smile. She snapped out of her daydream and blinked, looking up into Daron's expectant eyes. 'Sorry? What was that you said?'

He smiled. 'Would you like to go for a little flight? As practice for tomorrow?'

She stared at him for a second then nodded. 'Yes, yes! I'd love too!'

DARON LAUGHED AT the blonde who almost danced in excitement. 'Well come on then.'

'Nesha can you lean down so I can get her up easier?'

Nesha obliged and bowed his upper body low and, with Daron's help, Sian scrambled up.

SIAN SAT UP in the saddle when Daron smoothly leaped up from Nesha's bended knee. For such a muscular man he's really agile, she thought, impressed. I'll have to learn how to do that, I want to look like I know what I'm doing. Daron settled into the front seat easily and turned back to Sian.

'You'll want to hold onto me until you're used to it. Once you're confident enough you can use these hand holds.' He pointed at the sides of the saddle. 'At least at first if you're holding me I'll know you haven't fallen off.'

When he turned back to Nesha she scooted forward and slipped her arms around his waist, her face pressed against his back.

'READY?' DARON CALLED back to Sian. He felt her nod against his back.

'Okay, Nesha, let's go.'

Nesha growled in excitement, making Daron smile. No matter how aloof Nesha liked to hold himself, he was always like a pup when flying.

SIAN HUNG TIGHT to Daron when Nesha crouched low his muscles bunched underneath them, then sprung up at least twenty feet into the air. Heart in her mouth, Sian managed to respond to Daron's query. 'I'm f-fi-fine,' she stammered. 'I had no idea that was how they took off.'

Daron gave her hands a gentle squeeze. 'You'll look like an old pro at it tomorrow.'

Yep, thought Sian, and Cat will freak. Leaning her head against Daron's back Sian watched in awe at Nesha's huge wings and the enormous power in his muscles. The smooth easy flight didn't appear to require a lot of effort from Nesha. Wanting to see how high they were, she squirmed in her seat to try to find a good view. Being so short she couldn't see over Nesha's wings but she could if she leaned a little to the side of Daron and peered over his knee and through the gap by Nesha's shoulder. She gasped and clung tight to Daron, then leaned a little further forward; we're SO high.

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