Chapter 46. For my one and only

Start from the beginning

"It doesn't look like it." Zane spoke with a smaller voice, but with his tone a bit deeper than before. Though the murmur was not loud enough for the man, who was already interpreting Zane's words in the exact opposite sense that the latter had wanted them to be perceived as, to hear them clearly.

"Hmmm?" Malcom voiced questioningly, an exclamation meant to make Zane repeat his words.

"Nothing." Zane sighed at the dumbness of his friend and turned his attention to his lovely wife, placing a plate of appetizers in front of her. The words were more for himself than for Malcom, naturally he wouldn't repeat them.

"I don't have an appetite." Aria shook her head, trying to refuse the plate with the lovely treats she had been eyeing since she had taken her seat.

The talk with Malcom had already eased a good portion of her nervousness. It had also distracted her from the glances she could feel every now and then from all over the ballroom. But she feared it would not look too elegant, if she ate her food. What if she stained her face or her clothes? What if she felt like burping?

It was too embarrassing if any of those two things were to happen, so she abstained herself from touching any food from the last half an hour. Even though they all looked so delicious, she could not eat any of it. She was the president's wife, she had to keep certain manners.

"Are you sure?" Zane frowned a bit because of her refusal, then seeing as she nodded to confirm she indeed did not wish to eat, slowly approached her ear and murmured a few words.

Widening her eyes at the warm breath that blew against her ear carrying with it audacious phrases, she did not even dare look towards Zane fearing his confident look. She only quickly brought the plate closer to her, then started to eat obediently. This man had gotten too bold lately, it was really bad for her heart. How could he tell her that he would place her on his lap and feed her himself, if she wouldn't eat on her own?

A lot of people were present in the ballroom, but Aria did not doubt that Zane wouldn't dare do what he said. Especially since just now he even lightly bit her ear, this action of him making her feel electrified from the top of her head until the sole of her feet. It made her feel giddy as blood rushed to her cheeks.

He had done such actions multiple times in the last week, things which caused her heart to leap out of her chest, so much so that she felt like a small animal observed by a large predator... especially the intent gaze from his cold blue eyes that she noticed at times.

An example would be that every night before going to sleep, he would kiss her senseless and hug her even tighter, but even then his eyes did not change. Perhaps they became even darker, it felt as though he was ready to gobble her whole, for lack of better words.

Seeing that dangerous expression of his and his actions should have made her scared of him, frightened of him. But for some odd reason she never felt fear towards him. Quite the contrary, she seemed as though whatever he would want her to do in those moments, when his expression turned that way, she would do without a word of complaint.

What exactly was this feeling... she really could not put a finger on it's exact name, but it was as though she was flustered, confused, shy and at the same time eager to experience it more. It made her heart flutter in ways she never thought was possible.

She had thought she had fallen in love with Zane for quite some time already. But the feelings she had towards him now could not compare to what she had felt in the beginning, when she became aware of them. Their depth could not compare in the slightest.

She felt she was so infatuated with him, that if she were to look in his eyes at this moment, everyone would notice her feelings, especially since they were situated right at the very front.

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