Chapter 27. The only exception to the rules

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At the hospital, several hours later

" 'I am sorry, I shouldn't have come. I am sorry.' 

'Then leave already!' "

The woman's voice resounded in Zane's ears, as though it had the ability to physically scratch it. This was how Zane's impression of it was, and it was not because he could hear it more clearly since he was using earphones. No, it was because of Aria's flinch and paleness hearing the said voice.

He paused the video he was currently watching on his phone, then rewound it from the beginning, before playing it once more. It must have been the tenth time he had watched it, but he couldn't stop. He wanted to etch her suffering and scared face inside his heart, carving this lesson in his mind in the process. How else would he assure he would never allow such a situation happen again? Other than remembering the consequences of it.

The incoming call stopped the phone from playing the video, as Ryan's name appeared on the screen. 

Zane answered the call immediately, and waited for the assistant to speak without saying a word himself in greeting.

'I have contacted the finance department, Davis's shares make up 5% of Mars's  total capital. And with it's current value that would be about 30 million dollars.' Ryan of course  wasn't expecting Zane to tell him something before, as he detailed the information Zane wanted to know about concisely.

'Call him and give him 35 million dollars for them. I want the hand over contract signed today. If he refuses, tell him the offer will decrease with five millions for each day that he can't make up his mind. And for the handover contract, transfer the amount from my personal account, but put Aria as the beneficiary.' Zane calmly stated using a hushed voice.

Aria was still sleeping on the nearby bed, and he did not want to wake her up.

'Understood sir.' Ryan immediately replied, knowing for certain that Davis would sign today no matter what. He had no choice but to sell if he was planning to still have a profit from his shares.

The Mars company's profit was tightly related to the other companies of the consortium. Were Zane to redirect the specific business Mars dealt with to a company outside the consortium, then its profits would become lower. In about a month or so, the company naturally would be in the red, and in another month it would plummet to the ground, declaring its bankruptcy. At that time, Davis's shares would amount to dust. The assistant was planning on letting him know thoroughly, what his reluctance to comply could bring about.

Still, to say Zane's offer of five millions above the shares' value was fair, well it was not in anyway. All the shares of the companies of the consortium, their owners, and the change of their ownership was tightly controlled by the Black family, who was the  major shareholder of all their companies. And could under normal circumstances actually buy all of them out, and become the single shareholder for all of the firms in a heartbeat. 

They did not do so in the past, and allowed other people to hold on to their shares only because each of the other shareholders, although unrelated to their bloodline, had a special connection to their family.

Davis's grandfather had been a close friend of Zane's grandfather, and as a sign of gratitude for helping him with a favor in the past, the man had gifted the shares to his family. So to lose the shares of Mars, it was certain that Davis would never be allowed to have shares of it again, or own shares from the other companies of the group as well.

And as for the matter to why this would be a problem, well the dividends of the company were much more than the value of the shares, for one thing. And the connection to the Black family and their influence in the business world, was the other thing. No one would collaborate with Davis in creating a new company in the future, as they could become a target for Zane as well.

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