Chapter 8. The enthusiastic student

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Tired from a day's work, Zane leaned on his office chair, with one hand massaging his temple.

'Did you call me, sir?' Ryan knocked on the door, and quickly entered his office.

'Yes. Get me the report for the last project printed, I will take it home and read it there. Have it ready in fifteen minutes! Also did you get the book I asked for?' He said with his eyes closed, still massaging. He had meetings after meetings today, and he had also not eaten anything other than breakfast in the morning, and even then he only had a few bites, so he was in a sour mood.

'Did you hear me, Ryan?' He asked, when the latter did not say anything.

'Y-yes sir, I will bring the file immediately! And the book is already in your briefcase!' The assistant finally replied, it was unusual that his boss was going home so early, it was only 6pm, usually the latter would work until 9 or 10pm, before going back to his apartment. He had never gone home at this hour, so he had been too surprised to answer in time.

Pacing up and down in front of the doorway, an impatient Aria, could not take it anymore and opened the door. She looked in the distance, but his car couldn't be seen. She sighed upset, before going back in, and once again began pacing up and down.

The previous day, Zane had promised her he would teach her how to play the piano, which thrilled her. She was so happy that she had wanted to start practicing from that moment onwards, but unfortunately he had an urgent meeting or something at the office, she was not certain what, but anyway, the point was that he had to leave, and did not return at all, for the rest of the day. In fact, since yesterday he had not returned even to sleep at night.

'My lady, master will arrive in another half an hour, you are tiring yourself. Wouldn't it be better if you waited in the living room?' The butler asked,  as he passed by her.

'Are you sure? Ahh... I forgot, is dinner ready? We should eat quickly, so there will be enough... '

'Enough time to have the master teach you how to play the piano. I know my lady, don't worry, the food is almost ready. We are keeping it warm, so we will immediately serve it as soon as the master comes home.' Replied the butler, interrupting her. He knew what she wanted to say, she had asked about dinner a couple of times already.

He sighed resigned, this was not the kind of attention he wanted Aria to show towards the master, but it was still an improvement. Spending time together, something should come out of it. Not to mention, the master, he was also showing some interest towards Aria, so there could be something there... otherwise he would have never come home so early from work. Well, only time could tell.

Losing her patience for good, she opened the door again rather briskly, thinking to descend the stairs of the mansion to get a closer look, but as she moved her glance from the doorknob to her front, she finally saw the teacher she had been waiting for.

With a big smile on her face she hurriedly stepped aside, leaving Zane some room to step inside through the doorway. Realizing her intention, he entered, but did not greet her. He was a bit shaken of her warm welcome. That dazzling smile directed at him, when previously she had ignored him and did not even ask about him for the two previous weeks he was away, left him a bit wondering.

No, wait perhaps she had only wanted to step out to take a walk, but she gave him priority to enter the house first? Zane thought better.

Still, even though he was wondering what Aria was thinking, he did not let it show on his face, and as usual took off his overcoat and briefcase, which the butler was already arranging inside the wardrobe for him.

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