Chapter 18. An innocent Aria

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With the interference out of the way, the two people had remained the only ones in the hospital room.

Oblivious to Malcom's presence on the other side of the door, who was currently secretly watching their interaction, Aria listened to Zane's words and struggling a bit brought a small bed table, intending to lift it over the bed. Conscious of its weight, Zane assisted the pregnant woman immediately, and helped her settle it on top of his legs.

Then returning to the table that was placed in a corner of the room, further away from the bed, Aria grabbed the bag with the still warm food and returned to Zane's side, taking the boxes out and placing them on the small table.

'It's still a bit warm. You should eat some. We already asked the doctor and he told us soup, steamed vegetables and rice congee should be safe for your stomach. Their taste might be a bit bland, since they contain less salt than usual, but they will do you good.' Aria spoke, as she opened the containers, from which immediately some appetizing steam and delicious scent was released. Aria looked for a second more at the mouth-watering food, but did not linger glancing at it. She scolded herself inside her head that Zane must be fed first, as he was the patient.

Finishing removing all the lids, she ripped open a small bag which contained a plastic fork and spoon, and raised them both in front of Zane, waiting for the latter to take them.

'Zane?' She asked, looking towards the silent man inquisitively, as a bit of time had passed, and Zane had not shown any initiative to pick them up. He was only looking dazedly towards her, but did not seem to be paying attention to her gestures. 

Admiring the Aria that he had missed this week, but also remembering the earlier discussion with Malcom... Zane's heart was in a constant turmoil.

Malcom had made him aware of this fact, a fact which he had overlooked, in the sense that he had not taken any preventive measures.  

Aria may be the one he loved today, but tomorrow she may remember her past and revert to her old personality. He had been too passive regarding this matter, he had not made it impossible for her amnesia to be cured , he had not lessen the things that could become triggers to unlocking  her memories.

It was a selfish act, he was well aware of this, but no matter what from here on out, he would keep the Aria in front of his eyes, as she currently was... regardless of the consequences.

'Zane?' After two more attempts to grab his attention, her voice had finally entered his ears, and he regained his composure, directing his previous unfocused eyes towards her.

'Yes?' He replied a bit awkward, as he was not aware just what she had said until now.

'I was trying to give you the fork and the spoon, so you can eat a little. What is the matter? Are you still not feeling alright? Do you want me to help you?' She expressed worriedly. As her body had been in quite a severe state in her previous life, she knew just how much effort a person would need to exert even when eating while being ill. Of course, the two situations could not be compared, but she did not know how severe his anemia was, so she offered her help.

Hearing her words, Zane's first reaction was to deny. How could he let her help him eat?

'No. I can eat by myself.'

He had only been engulfed in his thoughts, and thus did not pay attention to what she spoke, but because of this she had misunderstood he was still feeling weak. At this point, even the headache that appeared when he woke up had faded, so it wouldn't be right to let her feed him. Moreover, disregarding the fact he would feel embarrassed if he was to be treated like a child, she also had to eat herself.

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