Chapter 17

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Disha's POV

I hit him in the back and instantly a painful groan escapes from his mouth. My eyes widens in realisation. Immediately he puts me down and leans on his car bonnet. His face twisted in a very painful expression.

“I-I am sorry vihaan. I didn't realised what I was doing. Le-let's go to doctor...... Where are your keys?" I ask him. I check his front pockets for his keys. Before I could do the same to his back pockets he stops me. My eyes moves towards him.

“I am fine Disha. And here are the keys......" he puts his keys on my palm “I will lead you. Drive." I nod my head. He takes me by surprise by putting his hands around my shoulder. He leans all his wait on me making me stumble. But I manage myself. My leg quivers. But I don't complain as it's my fault that he is hurt.

It took me minutes to half round the car to reach the back door. But before I could open the door of the back vihaan stops me.

“W-what?" I ask huffing.

“I wanna seat infront....beside you." he replies without an ounce of sympathy for putting all his weight on me.

“You are hurt so you are supposed to lay in the back seat while I drive." I protest. Besides I am getting tired and taking few more steps with his weight on me will take my breath away which is already half gone.

“You dummy then whose going to lead you the way, hm?" he says. I glare at his chest. I groan in irritation as I realised that to reach the passenger seat I have to again round the car. “Disha you shouldn't have hit me now see how much problem you are getting." I ignore his inputs knowing fully well that he is taunting me.

Stupid vihaan.

Opening the passenger seat door I push him inside.

“Disha be gentle." he says as I bang the door on his face. Getting before the wheel I roar the car in life.

“That's the wrong way." vihaan says as after reversing the car I start driving the same way where taxi went.

“No it's not. Taxi driver also went that way." I say. I keep driving straight.

“Disha turn over the car. I was not going that way. Didn't you see that my car was facing that side."

“Then why.....did you stop infront of the taxi." I ask because I thought he came to stop me from going. Did I predicted it wrong?

“I saw you that's why I stopped before the taxi now will you turn over the car." I again reverse it and start driving the other way.

“Why wouldn't you meet me if you were coming everyday to see me?" he says. His hand sneaks on my thigh and he gives it a tight squeeze. I immediately jerk it away.

“You are wrong. I was coming to see bhai. Besides you were fit and fine and eventually you would be like yourself in no time. Just like today. Weren't you driving today?..... By the way why were you even driving? You are injured and you are supposed to be laying and not the other way round. Didn't uncle say anything? Or did you just sneak out? Oh you did, didn't you....... And by the way where were you going?" Not getting any answer from him I turn my face to side.

Blush creeps up on my face as I find him staring at me. “What?" I mutter.

“Nothing. I was just watching you. You continue with your talking." he replies still not having even a bit of embarrassment on his face.

“Stop staring. It's rude." I say with a straight face. Realisation dawn's on me. I was getting so comfortable with him. He blows air out of his mouth and moves his head head to the front. We remain silent for I don't know how many hours.

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